Author: Gonzalo Jesús Paz Delgado, [email protected]
Supervisor: Carlos J. Pérez del Pulgar, [email protected]
Organization: Space Robotics Lab, University of Malaga
Motion planning library that uses Sequential Linear Quadratic regulator (SLQ) in a Multi-staged Warm-Started manner to plan the movements of a mobile platform. Given the platform kinematic and dynamics model, a description of the scenario, an initial state and a goal, this algorithm plans the motion sequentially:
- First, Fast Marching Methid (FMM) is used to generate a warm starting trajectory for the mobile base.
- Second, the unconstrained solution of the motion planning problem is found using Unconstrained SLQ.
- Third, the unconstrained solution is used to initialize the Constrained SLQ algorithm to find the complete constraints compliant, global motion plan.
Check the Simulation and field tests video.
In the tests/ folder several examples of different systems and models are included. Each test usually includes, first, a "forwardIntegrateSystem.m" function, which basically includes the model, i.e. the discrete differential equations, that define the system, and propagates a given actuation using those equations. Second, each test includes a script (i.e. 19-ExoTeR_torque/ExoTeR_torque-m) that makes use of the library and the system model to generate the motion plan for a platform to reach a goal.
These scripts usually include the following aspects:
- Initialization: prepare the workspace for the execution.
- Initial state and goal: define the initial and goal states of the platform.
- Configuration variables: configure different parameters of the execution (number of timesteps, max iterations, approach to be used, dynamic plotting during the computation...).
- Reference trajectory computation: use of FMM to generate the warm start trajectory.
- Time horizon estimation: the time horizon is preestimated in function of the length of the warm start path.
- Initial reference path adaptation to the state space model: slightly modifying the trajectory to fit the state space model requirements.
- Definitive costs: the costs are modified in function of the time horizon.
- Generate map info: fill the structs required by MWMP to use a map of the environment.
- Generate state space model info: fill the structs required by MWMP about particular state indexes.
- Generate trajectory info: fill the structs required by MWMP about the trajectory.
- State space model: generate the x, x0, u and u0 for SLQ with the config.
- Constraints matrices definition: generate the constraints matrices C, D, r, G, h.
- Visualization: prepare the figures if the dynamic plotting is enabled.
- SLQR algorithm: generate the A, B, Q, R matrices and call the SLQ solver iteratively.
- Plots: display information about the motion plan into some figures.
- Simulation: run the generated motion plan in a simulation with Simscape SimMechanics.
├── deps/
│ └── ARES-DyMu_matlab/
├── maps/
├── media/
├── simscape/
│ ├── 3D_models/
│ │ └── ExoTeR/
│ ├── ExoTeR.slx
│ ├── ExoTeR_steering.slx
│ ├── ack_3DoF.slx
│ ├── base_3DoF_dynamics_sim.slx
│ ├── base_3DoF_dynamics_sim_forces.slx
│ ├── manipulator3DoF.slx
│ ├── manipulator3DoF_torques.slx
│ └── sim_ExoTeR_torque.slx
├── src/
│ ├── MCM/
│ ├── SLQR/
│ │ ├── SLQ.m
│ │ ├── checkConstraints.m
│ │ └── constrainedSLQ.m
│ ├── costs/
│ ├── maps/
│ ├── models/
│ │ ├── 3DoF/
│ │ └── MA5-E/
│ └── utils/
├── tests/
│ ├── 00-mass_spring_damper/
│ ├── 01-3dof_planar/
│ ├── 10-base_3DoF_dynamics/
│ ├── 10b-base_3DoF_kinematics/
│ ├── 11-platform_inequality/
│ ├── 12-3DoF_dynamics/
│ ├── 13-3DoF_torque/
│ ├── 14-3DoF_inequality/
│ ├── 15-ackermann/
│ ├── 16-5DoF_ExoTeR/
│ ├── 17-ExoTeR_ack/
│ └── 19-ExoTeR_torque/
├── utils/
│ └── performanceStatistics.m
├── .gitignore
├── .gitmodules
If this work was helpful for your research, please consider citing the following BibTeX entry:
@article{author = {Paz-Delgado, Gonzalo J. and Pérez-del-Pulgar, Carlos J. and Azkarate, Martin and Kirchner, Frank and García-Cerezo, Alfonso}, doi = {10.1007/S11370-023-00461-X}, issn = {1861-2784}, journal = {Intelligent Service Robotics 2023}, month = {apr}, pages = {1--17}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {Multi-stage warm started optimal motion planning for over-actuated mobile platforms}, year = {2023} }