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Install and configure SimFS in passive mode for testing the one month run on Piz Daint

Salvatore Di Girolamo edited this page May 31, 2018 · 18 revisions

Installing SimFS

  1. SSH to Piz Daint

  2. Install LUA

mkdir <dir where you want to install SimFS -- better NOT in $SCRATCH>
cd <dir where you want to install SimFS> 
tar -xvf lua-5.3.4.tar.gz
cd lua-5.3.4
make linux
export LUA_PATH=$(pwd)/src
cd ..
  1. Clone this repo (ask Salvo to give you access rights)
git clone -b testing
cd SimFS
  1. Configure SimFS
cat | sed -e "s%__SDAVI_DIR__%$(pwd)/%" >
  1. Compile DV and DVLib
./ --netcdf /opt/cray/pe/netcdf/
echo "export SIMFS_DIR=$(pwd)/" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export PATH=\$PATH:\$SIMFS_DIR/build/" >> ~/.bashrc
exec bash

Virtualizing COSMO 2km

Prepare the simulation

  1. Clone Salvo's cosmo-pompa (small change to run script in 04_lm_f -- needs PR)
cd <dir where you want cosmo -- probably somewhere in $SCRATCH>
git clone -b crclim
  1. Executable and config file generation. The way I usually do it is:
cd cosmo-pompa/cosmo/test/climate/crClim2km_DVL/
cp -r /project/pr04/salvodg/one_month_testing/bin/ .
#wait that the script submits all the jobs -- there may be errors when launching the analysis tools

#stop the all jobs
scancel $USER

but probably there is a better way.

  1. Copy input and restart files of the 2km simulation (stored in $PROJECT)
#This may take some time
cp /project/pr04/crclim_onemonth/output/lm2lm/* output/lm2lm/

#This takes time as well :(
cp -r /project/pr04/salvodg/cosmo_scratch_bak/restarts/ 04_lm_f/

  1. Initialize the SimFS context
cd 04_lm_f/
simfs crclim_fine init $SIMFS_DIR/dv_config_files/crCLIM/lmf.dv


This is the part that you have to repeat to perform new tests (and maybe re-copy the lm2lm/ if it got wiped from $SCRATCH).

  1. Modify INPUT_IO as needed

  2. Start DV

ssh daint101
mkdir -p $SIMFS_DIR/logs
simfs crclim_fine start_passive > $SIMFS_DIR/logs/simfs.log 2> $SIMFS_DIR/logs/simfs.err
#Press CTRL + A + D to detach
  1. Start the simulation job
#default duration is 1h, so it will be killed
sbatch job_withsimfs

Once the simulation finishes:

ssh daint101
screen -r
#Press CTRL + c to terminate DV

Processing Logs

For processing the logs you need to download them on your local machine and install R (if not already installed).

  1. Install R (Ubuntu/Debian):
sudo apt-get install r-base
  1. Download (scp) logs from $SIMFS_DIR/logs on Piz Daint to a local folder (will call it <logdir> in the following)

  2. Download log_processing script from

tar -xvf logproc.tar
cd logproc

./ <logdir>/simfs.log

It should print the table with the statistics computed from the logs and output a plot (in the same folder).