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nodejs cookies

Stephen von Takach edited this page Apr 17, 2020 · 1 revision

From @jackturnbull

I've been looking at Cloudflare Workers to handle some stateless tasks and wanted to see if there was an easy enough way that I could decrypt the session cookie so that I could get some user state/authentication within the worker. I haven't tried this out on Cloudflare workers themselves, but just wanted to prove that I could in fact decrypt the cookie. I've kept the function signatures somewhat similar to MessageEncryptor and MessageVerifier. If anyone wishes to give this a go...

Write the following to cookie_decryptor.js

const crypto = require("crypto");

const COOKIE = "8uM6iNoyhsZh48P7AbLYj1YyUC6VTIha00GVUuKAWekHOcIa9EhDcjiNA0InjjB1LjxPZ53UygMMBOZl7lSXmA==--vXf2K/e1vInPU5Z0MWYl5h3GlFQ=";

function validMessage(encodedData, encodedDigest) {
  const digest = Buffer.from(encodedDigest, "base64");
  return encodedData.length > 0 && digest.length > 0 && crypto.timingSafeEqual(digest, generateDigest(encodedData));

function generateDigest(data) {
  return crypto.createHmac("sha1", Buffer.from(ENCRYPTION_KEY)).update(data).digest();

function verify(signedMessage) {
  const cookieSplit = signedMessage.split("--");
  const encodedData = cookieSplit[0];
  const encodedDigest = cookieSplit[1];

  if (validMessage(encodedData, encodedDigest)) {
    return Buffer.from(encodedData, "base64");
  } else {
    throw new Error("InvalidSignatureError");

function decrypt(message) {
  const data = verify(message);
  const iv = data.slice(-16);
  const encryptedText = data.slice(0, -16);
  const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv("aes-256-cbc", new Buffer.from(ENCRYPTION_KEY), iv);
  const decrypted = Buffer.concat([decipher.update(encryptedText),]);
  return JSON.parse(decrypted.toString());


Run the script, setting the COOKIE_SESSION_SECRET environment variable:

COOKIE_SESSION_SECRET=4f74c0b358d5bab4000dd3c75465dc2c node cookie_decryptor.js

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