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Mohamad EL-Bawab edited this page Aug 26, 2014 · 27 revisions

To setup your development folders, we recommend the following structure:
NumXL SDK for C/C++

  • numxl-sdk-c folder contains all files in the SDK.
  • output folder contains the executable binaries in NumXL and the SDK.
  • proj folder is where you maintain the source code for your custom application.

Go to the project folder (e.g. proj), create a new project:

  1. Under Visual C++ folder, select proper project type (e.g. Win32 Console Application, Win32 Project, etc.)

  2. Open the new project, and select project properties.

  3. In the project properties, select:

  4. Configuration: All configurations.

  5. Platform: All Platforms.

  6. Under General:

  7. Output Directory: path to the SDK binaries executables (e.g. ....\output$(Platform)).

  8. Intermediate Directory: local path relative to your project (e.g. $(Configuration)$(Platform)).
    New project general properties

  9. Now, Under C/C++, select General:

  10. Additional Include Directories: path to NumXL SDK header files folder.
    New project C/C++ general properties

  11. Next Under Linker, select General:

  12. Additional Library Directories: path to NumXL SDK import libraries folder (e.g. numxl-sdk-c\lib\VC100$(Platform))
    New project C/C++ general properties

  13. Under Linker, select Input:

  14. Additional Dependencies:
    1. SFSDK.lib 2. SFDBM.Lib 3. SFLUC.lib 4. SFLOG.lib

New project Linker input properties
8. Click OK and close the project properties dialog box. 9. Next, add the following header files to your development:

  1. SFMacros.h
  2. SFLogger.h
  3. SFLUC.h
  4. SFDBM.h
  5. SFSDK.h NumXL SDK C/C++ header files


  1. NumXL SDK APIs (arguments and behavior) are designed to match their counterpart NumXL worksheet functions as much as possible: (1) APIs are stateless, (2) robust, and (3) they can generate a wealth of logging information to help with issues raised during development and integration.
  2. In essence, the NumXL SDK exports its functions using C-API interface and reports its status via error codes as its return value.
  3. The caller application does not get passed any exception generated during the course of the function call.
  4. Where do I find documentation for the SDK APIs?
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