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image Artificial Intelligence Nanodegree

Term 1: Foundations of AI 🚀


  • Project 1: Sudoku Solver ✅
  • Project 2: Isolation: Build a Game-playing Agent ✅
  • Project 3: Implement a Planning Search ✅
  • Project 4: Build a Sign Language Recognizer ✅


  • Lab 1: Pacman: Teach pacman to navigate its world. ✔️
  • Lab 2: Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) with Simulated Annealing ✔️
  • Lab 3: Constraint Satisfaction: Solving the 8-Queens problem ✔️

Term 2: Deep Learning and Applications 🚀


  • Project 1: Dog Breed Classifier ✅
  • Project 2: Facial Keypoint Detection ✅
  • Project 3: Machine Translation ✅
  • Project 4: DNN Speech Recognizer ✅

Mini Projects

  • Mini Project 1: Mimic Me: Track faces in a video and identify facial expressions using Affectiva ✔️
  • Mini Project 2: Bookworm: Learn how to build a simple question-answering agent using IBM Watson ✔️
  • Mini Project 3: Build an Alexa History Skill


  • Lab1: Sentiment Analysis ✔️
  • Lab2: Voice Data ✔️

Other Mini Projects

  • Mini Project 1: Student Admissions in Keras ✔️
  • Mini Project 2: Using Keras to analyze IMDB Movie Data ✔️
  • Mini Project 3: Training an MLP on MNIST ✔️
  • Mini Project 4: Train a CNN to classify images from the CIFAR-10 database ✔️
  • Mini Project 5: Train a CNN on augmented images from the CIFAR-10 database ✔️
