###What is WeVision?
An animation libary which bases on NineOldAndroids.
###How 2 use:
Step 1:
compile project (':wevisionengine')
compile 'com.nineoldandroids:library:2.4.0'
Step 2:
//You can interpreted simply as WeVision engine use FadeInLeft effection on target view.
WeVisionEngine.WeVisionStatus status=WeVisionEngine.use(Vision.FadeInLeft).addListener(new AbsBaseAnimation.WeVisionAnimatorListener() {
public void onStart(Animator animator) {
Log.e(TAG,"The animations of whole views are starting!");
public void onEnd() {
Log.e(TAG,"All of animations have completed!");
I want to check state
WeVisionStatus status=WeVisionEngine.use(Vision.FadeInLeft).playOn(targetView);
boolean isRunning=status.isRunning(); //isRunning
boolean isEnd=status.isEnd();//isEnd
I want to stop!
About what type of parameters apply for "playOn" method,if parameter "target" is a common view,you could see a simple vision; but if you set a viewgroup as a parameter,all of the children in this viewgroup are going to work,and then excuted in order!
###Contact me
Email: [email protected]