14 commits
to main
since this release
1.0.0 (2023-10-04)
Bug Fixes
- add collapsible rows in profiles (23035bb)
- add gunicorn logger, add test directory, add requirements (1ba2cad)
- add SC4SNMP_UI_backend directory in backend Dockerfile (fa35651)
- add validation to check if community is provided if version is 1 or 2c (816c8a8)
- added comments and deleted profile validation context (f2adcda)
- added error style to inventory and groups forms while validating (abbda32)
- added Proxima Nova font, finished inventory (6d56473)
- added requirements.txt (d8eb307)
- added semicolon (6f336ba)
- adding inventory fields without base and mandatory profiles (2b28113)
- auto refresh state after deleting or adding profile (6e1da8c)
- automatically add base and mandatory profiles to the new inventory, delete inventory records (7851aa7)
- backend for delete and edit objects by ID instead of profile name (87ef861)
- bolded header in the inventory modal (9f9e6ad)
- change backendHost to use it on local machine (e6b11de)
- change docker image repository name (053e6b7)
- change modal name to Edit or Add depending on action (4a01627)
- change order of menu tabs, change 'IP address/Group' field from group devices configuration to 'IP address' (156fc6d)
- change organisation of files (c129eb1)
- change url link of inventory to the updated version of API endpoints (b8bcc77)
- changed the way of accesing colection in endpoints, changed how updates of profiles are made, created check_if_inventory_can_be_added, changed the way of deleting group from inventory when the group was deleted (cf9f482)
- changed variables names (a810fd6)
- changin variables including 'Id' in the name from 'myNameID' to 'myNameId' (095b49c)
- condition validation and partially working varBinds validation (28ca072)
- converting profiles between two formats (6befac7)
- create modal for displaying messages from backend (00138ff)
- create new groups column in groups UI (1bb9e10)
- cross-origin (f1946a5)
- delete and edit objects by ID instead of profile name (75705b7)
- delete and update endpoints (c67b2bc)
- delete inventory.py file (bf557ba)
- delete unnecessary logger (82da626)
- deleted inventory_old.py (ef747dd)
- deleting profiles (24c3417)
- display messages from backend when updating inventory and updating group (dfe6978)
- display messages from backend when updating or deleting profiles (d917657)
- don't change values after update window is closed without submiting changes (4cf7249)
- edit apropriate FormRows.Row in varBinds and Conditions (0253391)
- edit inventory records with groups (67cbbc5)
- editing and deleting inventory records (ea80642)
- editing and deleting inventory records - backend (bf463e8)
- error message for security engine - fixed grammar error (33b1bc8)
- error message for security engine informing that all the letter must be either upper or lowe case (2503a51)
- finished groups UI (5bfb791)
- first version of edits (f49a759)
- first version of working group form without validation, refactored delete modal (f291d15)
- first version of working group form without validation, refactored delete modal - backend (5d8e1ee)
- fixed bug that made edit instead of new profile after previously editing profile (1214370)
- fixed conditions editing (3281c7b)
- fixed error with adding and deleting conditions' patterns while editing (45870c9)
- fixed error with adding varBinds while editing (02efd96)
- fixed error with deleteing last device from the current page (25105d9)
- fixed error with deleting varBinds (77609a4)
- fixed issue with adding device instead of updating if nothing is changed in updating form (cbbd2b1)
- fixed varBinds validation (eec377f)
- fixed varBinds validation (f93fdf6)
- fixed varBinds validation (952eeb8)
- fixed varBinds validation (7b0c888)
- fixes of varBinds errors (7eb0d62)
- fixing bug in pagination (be8981c)
- flask tests (60eb305)
- get host from environment variable (83605c1)
- groups integration with sc4snmp database (99c072d)
- if profile name is updated or the whole profile is deleted, update corresponding record in the inventory (f9fd0a8)
- improved IPv4 regex (49c046f)
- improved reload after deleting, adding or updating device in group (49fc9b6)
- InventoryContext, auto reload Inventory after adding new device (14acbf8)
- loading inventory from mongo (7df8cfb)
- logic for inventory validation (60de7a3)
- logic for profiles validation (373747f)
- more options in profile condition selection (9f4ba5b)
- more post endpoint tests (914b241)
- move error styles to the seperate file (40b5917)
- new menu, unfinished header (f1b249b)
- pagination - backend (e27e327)
- pagination of group devices (18ad840)
- pagination of groups and inventory - backend (5246cd8)
- pagination of inventory (951208d)
- pagination with selection of devices per page (010c56c)
- Patterns validation. Validation of new empty fields not always works (929e6e7)
- polishing inventory (8284054)
- position add and apply buttons, change font size in the menu bar (bebba11)
- refactor (aca5ded)
- refactor AddProfileModal.jsx (35f632b)
- refactor code and add comments (0688c29)
- Refactored inventory.py and basic edit of inventory (0680781)
- refactoring (f6ae9c9)
- refactoring backend (e17ad77)
- refresh updates autoamtically after initial app start (ff61c7f)
- remove print (abb1348)
- remove spaces in ValidationStyles.jsx (4e9b506)
- remove temporary tooltip (67b69ea)
- removed some logs (e96b124)
- Renamed IP addres in form to IP addres/Group (31c8cc5)
- renamed key in devices record from group_id to groupId (23fd776)
- restructure directory (15ec5a0)
- run frontend on localhost (da49efa)
- same database for profiles (608c4b1)
- send default values from ProfilesModal to the database (4786bba)
- set default values for port number and snmp version to empty strings in device configuration in groups (06fe3dc)
- set profiles as default page (e26b508)
- state is changed in componentDidUpdate and componentDidMount instead of in render() (21fa4e1)
- styling menu bar (676783c)
- testing menu tab (eb09a26)
- testing pagination of inventory (286b78f)
- tooltpis (6a16dc8)
- unit tests of conversions (aa094b2)
- update .gitignore (b486e9e)
- update dependencies (c01315e)
- update device from group id reference (7642e16)
- update dockerfile for backend (890956f)
- update form in profiles (04fff13)
- update lerna.json and package.json, delete package-lock.json (6a10457)
- update the way of passing flask IP to the frontend app (d06d77d)
- updated profiles view (opening collapsible not finished) (f34525a)
- updated urls (56b8169)
- use another collection for ui inventory, send error messages to user if theu want to add inventory record that already exists, send error message when user wants to add nonexistent group to the inventory and send message about deleting record from inventory when user deletes group (bc5006a)
- use sepereta mongo collection for profiles and groups from ui (7b405e5)
- validation for adding group with existing name and existing device in the group (e741db4)
- validation messages for Profile Name and Frequency (e64e630)
- Validation of groups (8ea0bfe)
- validation of inventory form (7a82789)
- waraping children with ProfileContext in Manager.jsx (6030b68)
- working on groups (a61ab32)
- working validation (e4557bf)