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Circular Bar Chart Mod for Spotfire®

The Circular Bar Chart Mod for Spotfire® is a custom visualization built using Vega specifications. This mod provides a unique way to visualize categorical data in a circular format, offering an alternative to traditional bar charts by arranging the bars in a radial layout.

Circular Bar Chart Mod for Spotfire

Getting Started

Mod Sample: A sample of this mod can be tried in Spotfire® Analyst.

How to Open the Mod

  1. Open Spotfire® Analyst and create a new analysis by loading some data.
  2. Unzip the downloaded mod file and locate the .mod file.
  3. Drag the .mod file into the analysis. The visualization mod will be added to your analysis.

Capabilities and Limitations: For details on the capabilities and limitations of this visualization mod, refer to the Spotfire documentation.

Data Requirements

To render the circular bar chart correctly, the following data structure is required:

  • X-Axis: X-axis contains the categorical variable that defines the bars.
  • Y-Axis: Y-axis contains the numeric value to be displayed on the chart.
  • Colors: An additional category for color representation.

Sample Data

Channel Type Value
1 wifi 12
1 nonWifi 5
1 free 83
2 wifi 7
2 nonWifi 14
2 free 79
3 wifi 2
3 nonWifi 2
3 free 96
4 wifi 2
4 nonWifi 1
4 free 97
5 wifi 1
5 nonWifi 1
5 free 98
6 wifi 22
6 nonWifi 0
6 free 78
7 wifi 21
7 nonWifi 0
7 free 79
8 wifi 3
8 nonWifi 2
8 free 95
9 wifi 0
9 nonWifi 1
9 free 99
10 wifi 12
10 nonWifi 3
10 free 85
11 wifi 12
11 nonWifi 0
11 free 88
12 wifi 1
12 nonWifi 3
12 free 96

Setting Up the Circular Bar Chart

The mod includes several configuration options:

  • Start Angle (Default: -2.5): The starting angle for the bars.
  • End Angle (Default: 2.5): The ending angle for the bars.
  • Pad Angle (Default: 0): The padding angle between bars.
  • Band Padding (Default: 0.15): The padding between bands.
  • Inner Radius (Default: 60): The inner radius of the chart.
  • Corner Radius (Default: 0): The corner radius of the bars.
  • Offset (Default: "zero"): The offset for the bars.

Using the Circular Bar Chart

After configuring the mod, it will render a circular bar chart where each bar represents a category, arranged radially.


  • Supports marking of bar segments.
  • Click a bar segment to mark it.
  • Use CTRL-Click to add/remove segments from marking.
  • Click in any open area to clear the marking.

Building the Project

To build the project, run the following commands in separate terminal windows:

npm install
npm start