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complexity: 1
complexity: 1
complexity: 2
complexity: 2
complexity: 3
complexity: 3
complexity: 5
complexity: 5
complexity: 8
complexity: 8
complexity: 13
complexity: 13
Pull requests that update a dependency file
effort0: 20 minutes
effort0: 20 minutes
effort1: 1 hour
effort1: 1 hour
effort2: 2-3 hours
effort2: 2-3 hours
effort3: 4 hours
effort3: 4 hours
effort4: 1 day
effort4: 1 day
effort5: 2 days
effort5: 2 days
effort6: 3 days
effort6: 3 days
effort7: 4 days
effort7: 4 days
effort8: 1 week
effort8: 1 week
environment: production
environment: production
Changes related to this issue or PR are deployed to production environment.
environment: staging
environment: staging
Changes related to this issue or PR are deployed to staging environment.
flag: breaking change
flag: breaking change
Issues containing a breaking change, requiring a major release.
flag: business review needed
flag: business review needed
Issues which needs discussion before implementation.
flag: docs improvement needed
flag: docs improvement needed
The description of the task is vague and requires additional information before implementation.
flag: incident report
flag: incident report
Description and post-mortem about an issue in production what affected the customers.
flag: needs estimation
flag: needs estimation
The issue must be estimated before implementation.
flag: schema modification
flag: schema modification
This change includes a DB schema modification.
flag: technical debt
flag: technical debt
The issue is about fixing a technical debt.
flag: technical review needed
flag: technical review needed
The issue needs review from a lead developer.
priority: high
priority: high
priority: low
priority: low
status: blocked
status: blocked
Issue is being blocked by a different issue.
status: cannot reproduce
status: cannot reproduce
Bug reports which cannot be reproduced.