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VoteAgain evaluation

This repository accompanies the paper VoteAgain: A scalable coercion-resistant voting system, by Wouter Lueks, Iñigo Querejeta-Azurmendi and Carmela Troncoso, which will be included in the 2020 USENIX Security Symposium. This repository contains the core cryptographic protocols leveraged by VoteAgain, as well as the overhead calculation of the dummy procedure presented.

The goal of this repository is to enable reproducing the measurements in the paper.

Disclaimer: This code is not production ready.

Installing the requirements

This is likely to fail on a windows only machine due to missing openssl/compiler dependencies.

Activate virtual environment and install the dependencies:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Running experiments

Running the bash scripts run_experiments_*.sh will run the same experiments presented in the paper, and save the output in data/:


To have a more granular control of the function calls, you can use the voteagain module. We explain how to use these modules next.

Running core experiments

All specific experiments support the -o <PATH> (or --out) option to specify where output should be written. By default the output is written to ./data/<folder>, where <folder> is the (short) name of the experiment. If the target directory does not exists, it is created.

Experiments that gather timings additionally can be passed the -r <NR> (or --repeptitions) argument to specify how often the experiment should be repeated.

Proof of correct vote generation

To cast a vote, voters create a ballot that contains an encryption of the candidate for which they want to cast a vote. The bulletin board must be able to verify that this encryption is correct, i.e., that it encrypts to a valid candidate. The time complexity of the proof grows with the number of candidates.


python -m voteagain encryption --num-candidates 100

to measure the proving and verification times for 100 candidates.

Full filter procedure

The main procedure in VoteAgain is the Filter procedure executed by the tally server. This procedure inserts dummy ballots to ensure coercion resistance and then shuffles and filters ballots so that only the latest ballot of each voter is selected.


python -m voteagain filter --num-voters 10000

to measure the time to run Filter and VerifyFilter for 10000 voters that cast 1 ballot each. Run to gather all the data on the performance of Filter and VerifyFilter used in the paper.

To measure the effect of revoting, you can use the -p (or --revote-percentage) option to specify how many extra ballots there are, expressed as a percentage of the real number of voters. For example, when specifying running

python -m voteagain filter --num-voters 10000 --revote-percentage 150

the experiment will generate 10000 + 150/100 * 10000 = 25000 ballots by 10000 voters. The tally server adds the required number of dummy ballots to hide revoting patterns. Given a fixed number of ballots after adding dummies, the worst case is where each voter cast only one ballot, i.e., -p 0, which is the default. To confirm this, you can run It uses a different number of voters, but ensures that after adding dummies the total number of ballots is (approximately) 50.000.

Verifiable mixing and decrypting

After the tally server has selected the ballots, the trustees run a final mix and decrypt network to shuffle these ballots, and recover the encrypted candidates. The time complexity grows linearly in the number of candidates.


python -m voteagain mix-and-decrypt --num-ciphertexts 100

to measure the proving and verification cost for a single trustee given 100 ballots. To rerun the experiment with all the values used in the paper, run

Bayer-Groth verifiable shuffle

VoteAagain uses Bayer-Groth's verifiable shuffle as a primitive. To gather basic performance data, run:

python -m voteagain min-shuffle --num-ciphertexts 1000

to measure a shuffle of 1000 ciphertexts.

Generating data for padding overhead

The number of dummy ballots added depends on the number of voters, and the total number of ballots they produced. Some example calls of this script are as follows:

python -m voteagain padding -o $TARGET_DIR \
    --vote-factors $VOTE_FACTORS \
    --voters-min-log $VOTERS_MIN_LOG \
    --voters-max-log $VOTERS_MAX_LOG

python -m voteagain padding-max-votes -o $TARGET_DIR \
    --votes-per-min $VOTES_PER_MIN \
    --vote-factor-fixed $VOTE_FACTOR_FIX \
    --voters-min-log $VOTERS_MIN_LOG \
    --voters-max-log $VOTERS_MAX_LOG

python -m voteagain padding-max-vote-per-voters -o $TARGET_DIR \
    --crazy-factors $CRAZY_FACTORS \
    --vote-factor-fixed $VOTE_FACTOR_FIX \
    --votes-per-min-fixed $VOTES_PER_MIN_FIX \
    --voters-min-log $VOTERS_MIN_LOG \
    --voters-max-log $VOTERS_MAX_LOG

The parameters --voters-min-log and --voters-max-log specify the base-10 logarithm of the number of voters that the script should iterate over. The subcommand then determines the overhead of adding dummies in three different ways:

  1. With no restrictions on how voters vote, expect to honor the average number of ballots per voter set by --vote-factors.
  2. By restricting how many ballots a voter can cast per minute, determined by --votes-per-min. This experiments uses --vote-factor-fixed to determine how many ballots voters cast on average.
  3. As in (2), but additionally restricting how many voters cast more than one ballot, determined by --crazy-factors. This experiment additionally uses --votes-per-min-fixed to determine how many ballots voters can cast per minute.

To regenerate the source files used for the images in the paper, run

Running tests

This repository also contains some simple tests programs. These tests serve to verify the basic functionality of the functions. To run them, execute

python -m pytest

Processing data

The Jupyter notebook shows how we processed the measurements produced by the scripts, and run_experiments_mix. The notebook produces the remaining sets of graphs in the paper, as well as reproduces most performance numbers mentioned in the paper.

You can find the notebook in analysis/ and play around with it by opening it with Jupyter.


Proof of concept code for VoteAgain paper







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