This repository is now maintained inside the springwolf-core monorepo.
This plugin generates an AsyncAPI document from @KafkaListener
For more information, check out springwolf-core.
Add the following dependencies and configuration class to enable this plugin.
dependencies {
// Provides the documentation API
implementation 'io.github.springwolf:springwolf-kafka:0.2.0'
// Provides the UI - optional (recommended)
runtimeOnly 'io.github.springwolf:springwolf-ui:0.3.0'
Add a configuration class and provide a KafkaProtocolConfiguration
bean and a AsyncApiDocket
public class AsyncApiConfiguration {
private final static String BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS = "localhost:9092"; // Change to your actual bootstrap server
public KafkaProtocolConfiguration kafkaProtocolConfiguration() {
return KafkaProtocolConfiguration.builder()
.basePackage("io.github.stavshamir.springwolf.example.consumers") // Change to your actual base package of listeners
public AsyncApiDocket asyncApiDocket() {
Info info = Info.builder()
.title("Springwolf example project")
// Producers are not picked up automatically - if you want them to be included in the asyncapi doc and the UI,
// you will need to build a ProducerData and register it in the docket (line 69)
ProducerData exampleProducerData = ProducerData.builder()
.binding(ImmutableMap.of("kafka", new KafkaOperationBinding()))
return AsyncApiDocket.builder()
.server("kafka", Server.kafka().url(BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS).build())
private Map<String, Object> buildProducerConfiguration(String bootstrapServers) {
return ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder()
.put(ProducerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, bootstrapServers)
.put(ProducerConfig.KEY_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringSerializer.class)
.put(ProducerConfig.VALUE_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, JsonSerializer.class)
.put(JsonSerializer.ADD_TYPE_INFO_HEADERS, false)
The basePackage field must be set with the name of the package containing the classes to be scanned for @KafkaListener
annotated methods.
If you have included the UI dependency, access it with the following url: localhost:8080/springwolf/asyncapi-ui.html
If not, try the following endpoint: localhost:8080/springwolf/docs