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Hardware Security Module (HSM) Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Cloud-Native Application


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Hardware Security Module (HSM) Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)

This cloud-native application deploys an OCSP server that is capable of using a physical PKCS#11 HSM, such as the NitroKey HSM, as the signer for the ocsp responder. When properly configured, the hsmocsp server will return a signed response signifying that the certificate specified in the request is 'good', 'revoked', or 'unknown'. If it cannot process the request, it will return an error code.

Supported Certificate Authority Sources

The hsmocsp server currently supports two source types which implement the cfssl ocsp responder interface to verify certificates; additional support for cfssl certdb and response file sources could likely easily be added.

Source Type Description
OpenSslSource Uses the OpenSSL ca db and crl files; optionally supports hosting ca issuer and crl static files
VaultSource Uses the Vault PKI Engine ca and crl urls and cert api

Example PKI Hierarchy

   [ OpenSSL Root CA ]
   [ Vault Root CA 1]
  [ Vault Int Dev CA 1]

A continerized pki helper script is provided to create a working PKCS#11 HSM PKI environment for development purposes only; it includes configurable steps to automatically validate and initialize:

  • Certificates and Keypairs for the OpenSSL Root CA
  • Vault PKI Secrets engines and intermediate CA certificates properly signed and chained with the OpenSSL ca-keypair
  • Keypairs for OCSP server certificates for both OpenSSL and Vault CA sources for app-hsmocsp to consume
PKI Level Cert HSM Key Vault Key File Key
1 OpenSSL CA x
2 Vault Root CA x
2 Vault Root CA OCSP x
3 Vault Int Dev CA x
3 Vault Int Dev CA OCSP x
3 Vault Int Dev CA Client x

For development, it is highly recommended to use Google's Cloud Code for vscode; a skaffold configuration is provided with two profiles for build and deployment configurations as described in the following sections.

* validated with kind on WSL 2

  • Docker: In the images directory there are two Dockerfiles:
    • app-hsmocsp - compiles the app-hsmocsp server; by default the container uses a config.yaml file from the '.config/hsmocsp/' dir for configuration.

    • app-pki - shell script which uses a PKCS#11 HSM, default SoftHSMv2, to create the example PKI Hierarchy; container uses environment variables for configuration in addition to a default ca.conf file in the '.config/pki' dir.

* sharing of a physical HSM, across containers within the pod, is accomplished using pcscd through a hostPath volume mount to /var/run/pcscd/; this requires the app-hsmocsp-pcscd container to run as a privileged container in order to create /var/run/pcscd/

Each of the following skaffold profiles deploys both the app-hsmocsp and app-pki containers, and uses a shared volume between them for sharing the hsm tokens and configured certificates

* Note the Helm chart's default values use a helm pre-install hook to ensure the vault-auth service account is created prior to the other resources; this has the unfortunate side effect of sticking around after deployment/delete as any resource that implements a hook is considered to be self-managed


~$ POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
~$ kubectl exec -it -n default ${POD_NAME} -c app-hsmocsp-pki -- /app/scripts/ test
Verifying 'TEST_PKI_GOOD_OPENSSL_CA_SOURCE_CERT_PEM [/app/.config/pki/ocsp.cert.pem] with 'TEST_PKI_GOOD_OPENSSL_CA_SOURCE_CA_PEM' [/app/.config/pki/ca.cert.pem] and 'TEST_PKI_GOOD_OPENSSL_CA_SOURCE_OCSP_URL' [http://app-hsmocsp/ocsp]
WARNING: no nonce in response
Response verify OK
/app/.config/pki/ocsp.cert.pem: good
        This Update: Aug  2 04:19:51 2020 GMT
        Next Update: Aug  2 05:19:51 2020 GMT
Verified 'TEST_PKI_GOOD_OPENSSL_CA_SOURCE_CERT_PEM [/app/.config/pki/ocsp.cert.pem] with 'TEST_PKI_GOOD_OPENSSL_CA_SOURCE_CA_PEM' [/app/.config/pki/ca.cert.pem] and 'TEST_PKI_GOOD_OPENSSL_CA_SOURCE_OCSP_URL' [http://app-hsmocsp/ocsp]
Verifying 'TEST_PKI_REVOKED_OPENSSL_CA_SOURCE_CERT_PEM' [/app/.config/pki/int.cert.pem] with 'TEST_PKI_REVOKED_OPENSSL_CA_SOURCE_CA_PEM' [/app/.config/pki/ca.cert.pem] and 'TEST_PKI_REVOKED_OPENSSL_CA_SOURCE_OCSP_URL' [http://app-hsmocsp/ocsp] and 'TEST_OPENSSL_REVOKE' [true]
WARNING: no nonce in response
Response verify OK
/app/.config/pki/int.cert.pem: revoked
        This Update: Aug  2 04:19:51 2020 GMT
        Revocation Time: Aug  2 04:18:51 2020 GMT
Verified 'TEST_PKI_REVOKED_OPENSSL_CA_SOURCE_CERT_PEM' [/app/.config/pki/int.cert.pem] with 'TEST_PKI_REVOKED_OPENSSL_CA_SOURCE_CA_PEM' [/app/.config/pki/ca.cert.pem] and 'TEST_PKI_REVOKED_OPENSSL_CA_SOURCE_OCSP_URL' [http://app-hsmocsp/ocsp] and 'TEST_OPENSSL_REVOKE' [true]
Verifying 'TEST_PKI_UNKNOWN_OPENSSL_CA_SOURCE_CERT_PEM [/app/.config/pki/ca.cert.pem] with 'TEST_PKI_UNKNOWN_OPENSSL_CA_SOURCE_CA_PEM' [/app/.config/pki/ca.cert.pem] and 'TEST_PKI_UNKNOWN_OPENSSL_CA_SOURCE_OCSP_URL' [http://app-hsmocsp/ocsp]
Error querying OCSP responder
139847006811968:error:27076072:OCSP routines:parse_http_line1:server response error:crypto/ocsp/ocsp_ht.c:260:Code=500,Reason=Internal Server Error
Warning unable to verify 'TEST_PKI_UNKNOWN_OPENSSL_CA_SOURCE_CERT_PEM [/app/.config/pki/ca.cert.pem] with 'TEST_PKI_UNKNOWN_OPENSSL_CA_SOURCE_CA_PEM' [/app/.config/pki/ca.cert.pem] and 'TEST_PKI_UNKNOWN_OPENSSL_CA_SOURCE_OCSP_URL' [http://app-hsmocsp/ocsp]
Verifying 'TEST_PKI_GOOD_VAULT_CA_SOURCE_CERT_PEM' [/app/.config/pki/ocsp.pki.cert.pem] with 'TEST_PKI_GOOD_VAULT_CA_SOURCE_CA_PEM' [/app/.config/pki/ca.pki.cert.pem].fullchain and 'TEST_PKI_GOOD_VAULT_CA_SOURCE_OCSP_URL' [http://app-hsmocsp/pki/ocsp]
WARNING: no nonce in response
Response verify OK
/app/.config/pki/ocsp.pki.cert.pem: good
        This Update: Aug  2 04:19:51 2020 GMT
        Next Update: Aug  2 05:19:51 2020 GMT
Verified 'TEST_PKI_GOOD_VAULT_CA_SOURCE_CERT_PEM' [/app/.config/pki/ocsp.pki.cert.pem] with 'TEST_PKI_GOOD_VAULT_CA_SOURCE_CA_PEM' [/app/.config/pki/ca.pki.cert.pem].fullchain and 'TEST_PKI_GOOD_VAULT_CA_SOURCE_OCSP_URL' [http://app-hsmocsp/pki/ocsp]
Verifying 'TEST_PKI_REVOKED_VAULT_CA_SOURCE_CERT_PEM' [/app/.config/pki/user.pki_int_development.cert.pem] with 'TEST_PKI_REVOKED_VAULT_CA_SOURCE_CA_PEM' [/app/.config/pki/ca.pki_int_development.cert.pem].fullchain and 'TEST_PKI_REVOKED_VAULT_CA_SOURCE_OCSP_URL' [http://app-hsmocsp/pki_int_development/ocsp] and 'TEST_VAULT_REVOKE' [true]
WARNING: no nonce in response
Response verify OK
/app/.config/pki/user.pki_int_development.cert.pem: revoked
        This Update: Aug  2 04:19:51 2020 GMT
        Revocation Time: Aug  2 04:18:59 2020 GMT
Verified 'TEST_PKI_REVOKED_VAULT_CA_SOURCE_CERT_PEM' [/app/.config/pki/user.pki_int_development.cert.pem] with 'TEST_PKI_REVOKED_VAULT_CA_SOURCE_CA_PEM' [/app/.config/pki/ca.pki_int_development.cert.pem].fullchain and 'TEST_PKI_REVOKED_VAULT_CA_SOURCE_OCSP_URL' [http://app-hsmocsp/pki_int_development/ocsp] and 'TEST_VAULT_REVOKE' [true]
Verifying 'TEST_PKI_UNKNOWN_VAULT_CA_SOURCE_CERT_PEM' [/app/.config/pki/ca.pki.cert.pem] with 'TEST_PKI_UNKNOWN_VAULT_CA_SOURCE_CA_PEM' [/app/.config/pki/ca.pki.cert.pem].fullchain and 'TEST_PKI_UNKNOWN_VAULT_CA_SOURCE_OCSP_URL' [http://app-hsmocsp/pki/ocsp]
WARNING: no nonce in response
Response verify OK
/app/.config/pki/ca.pki.cert.pem: ERROR: No Status found.
Warning unable to verify 'TEST_PKI_UNKNOWN_VAULT_CA_SOURCE_CERT_PEM' [/app/.config/pki/ca.pki.cert.pem] with 'TEST_PKI_UNKNOWN_VAULT_CA_SOURCE_CA_PEM' [/app/.config/pki/ca.pki.cert.pem].fullchain and 'TEST_PKI_UNKNOWN_VAULT_CA_SOURCE_OCSP_URL' [http://app-hsmocsp/pki/ocsp]
Test PKI completed successfully with 'TEST_PKI_OPENSSL_CA_SOURCE' [true], 'TEST_PKI_OPENSSL_CA_REVOKE' [true], 'TEST_PKI_VAULT_CA_SOURCE' [true], and 'TEST_PKI_VAULT_CA_REVOKE' [true]

Troubleshooting/Manual Deployment

If using the default app-pki container's example CA Hierarchy, it takes a minute or so to initialize all the certificates and Vault PKI Secrets Engines; the app-hsmocsp container should continue to restart until all requried certificates and hsm keypairs are successfully found in the shared volume.

Manual/CLI Deployment with Skaffold

~$ SKAFFOLD_DEFAULT_REPO=<myrepo> ~/.cache/cloud-code/installer/google-cloud-sdk/bin/skaffold dev -v debug --port-forward --rpc-http-port 42535 --filename skaffold.yaml

Manual/CLI Build with Docker

~$ docker build -t ${SKAFFOLD_DEFAULT_REPO}/app-hsmocsp -f images/ .

~$ docker build -t ${SKAFFOLD_DEFAULT_REPO}/app-pki -f images/ .

~$ docker push ${SKAFFOLD_DEFAULT_REPO}/app-hsmocsp:latest

~$ docker push ${SKAFFOLD_DEFAULT_REPO}/app-pki:latest

Manual/CLI Deployment with Helm

~$ helm --kube-context kind-wslkind install --debug --name app-hsmocsp ./ --namespace default --set-string "image=${SKAFFOLD_DEFAULT_REPO}/app-hsmocsp:latest","extraImages.appPki=${SKAFFOLD_DEFAULT_REPO}/app-pki:latest","imageConfig.pullPolicy=Always" -f values.yaml
~$ helm delete --purge app-hsmocsp

If a skaffold kubectl or helm deployment fails and you want to remove all the default app-hsmocsp resources from your cluster, use the following commands

~$ kubectl delete all -l ''=app-hsmocsp -n default
pod "app-hsmocsp-XXXXXXXXX-XXXXX" deleted
deployment.apps "app-hsmocsp" deleted
replicaset.apps "app-hsmocsp-XXXXXXXXX" deleted

~$ kubectl delete configmaps,secrets,service,serviceaccounts,roles,clusterroles,rolebindings,clusterrolebindings -l ''=app-hsmocsp -n default
configmap "app-hsmocsp-config" deleted
configmap "app-hsmocsp-pki-config" deleted
configmap "app-hsmocsp-softhsm2-config" deleted
secret "app-hsmocsp-secret" deleted
secret "app-hsmocsp-test-pki-secret" deleted
secret "vault-auth-secret" deleted
service "app-hsmocsp" deleted
serviceaccount "app-hsmocsp" deleted
serviceaccount "vault-auth" deleted "app-hsmocsp-edit-binding" deleted
warning: deleting cluster-scoped resources, not scoped to the provided namespace "role-tokenreview-binding" deleted

Example for adding a kubernetes extended resource for the Nitrokey HSM


~$ kubectl proxy &

~$ NODE=minikube

~$ curl --header "Content-Type: application/json-patch+json" \
     --request PATCH \
     --data '[{"op": "add", "path": "/status/capacity/", "value": "1"}]' \


Hardware Security Module (HSM) Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Cloud-Native Application







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