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sque edited this page Aug 7, 2013 · 1 revision


Migration module provides a painless way to create safety backups or migrate site content from one setup to another and version independently. This is done by creating full backups of the site in an archive that will include both pages and upload files.


Basically the working path is: Export a full backup of the site from the source installation and download it on your working desktop. Then visit the target installation and import this archive that you previously downloaded by replacing or appending content. Finally you may need to "fix" the links if the source and target installation have different base folder.


First of all for any action the module has to be enabled. To export a site backup visit "Modules" under administration page and on the "Migration" module you will find a button telling "export".

There you can ask to include or not uploaded files. If you skip it, you will take a backup with only the pages. Either wise you will get pages and uploaded files.

Export will create a compressed XML file with all data that you requested.


Import accepts files previously generated by Export process and imports all the pages either under an existing page or by completely replacing the whole site (pages and files).

To import a previous backup you can either upload one through web interface and then visit "import" at "migration" module. Or you can visit directly "import" and select upload to directly upload the file and import data. Import procedure will check if this is a valid backup file before messing up with your data. In any case double check that you are uploading the file you want.

Upload Maximum Size: PHP web server has a limit on the size of uploaded files and also on execution time, both which can be exceed if you try to upload a backup from a content rich site. To overcome this, "Migration" module supports importing data from files on server's filesystem. This can be done by putting your file with any transport mean that you want at the special folder _import under migration folder.


If this folder does not exist, create it and put your archive in there. The next time that you will try to visit the import functionality you will see listed all valid backup files found at _import folder.

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