Sqwid - An ocean of possibilities
Sqwid is an NFT marketplace running on the Reef chain that features per-item
customizable royalties.
All Sqwid NFTs are ERC1155 compatible which means each one can have multiple
They also implement the EIP-2981 Royalty Standard, which allows creators to set
a royalty percent that automatically gets transferred to their wallet whenever
future sales of the NFTs happen. No extra work needed.
Sqwid supports image, video, and audio NFTs and all metadata is stored on
Filecoin and IPFS which means the content you're buying or selling will never be
taken down or tampered with.
git clone https://github.com/sqwid-app/sqwid-client.git
yarn && yarn start
👤 Andrei Cracanau
- Github: @andithemudkip
- LinkedIn: @andithemudkip
👤 Boidushya Bhattacharyay
- Website: https://boidushya.com
- Github: @boidushya
- LinkedIn: @boidushya
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check
issues page. You can also
take a look at the
contributing guide.
Give us a ⭐️ if you liked this project!
Copyright © 2021 Andrei Cracanau &
Boidushya Bhattacharyay.
This project is
MIT licensed.
Made with 💖 by Team Sqwid