a user management module collection for the yii framework
- An automated Installer
- User Administration
- Role Administration
- Hybrid auth is bundled and can easily be integrated, see docs/hybridauth.txt.
- All providers of hybrid auth and hybrid auth extra package are integrated: AOL, Google, Mail.ru, Plurk, Tumblr, Yahoo, Disqus, Identica, Murmur, px500, TwitchTV, Yandex, Facebook, Instagram, MySpace, QQ, Twitter, Foursquare, LastFM, Odnoklassniki, Sina, Viadeo, GitHub, LinkedIn, OpenID, Skyrock, Vimeo, Goodreads, Live, Pixnet, Steam, Vkontakte
- Permission System with a mixture of RBAC and ACL (see docs)
- Profiles & Profile history & Profile Comments & Profile Fields Administration
- Messaging System (send/receive Messages between Users) Submodule
- User groups (user can add new groups, other users can join)
- User Avatar upload
- User Registration
- Password Recovery
- Friendship system
- Mailing component (users can choose which messages he gets by email)
- Base Language: English
- Complete Translations to german, french
- Almost complete Translation to spain thanks to [email protected]
- Incomplete Translations to russian and polish
The documentation is stored in the user/docs directory. Please read user/docs/install.txt for a installation instruction.
Please DO read the documentation since it is not 100% trivial to install this module. There also is a FAQ of common mistakes at the end.
Report all issues to the github issue tracker, thank you!
Enjoy this module.