- XCLIENT Protocol : http://www.postfix.org/XCLIENT_README.html
- XFORWARD Protocol : http://www.postfix.org/XFORWARD_README.html
- Postfix parallelized SMTP/LMTP test generator : http://www.postfix.org/smtp-source.1.html
- Python 3.4+
$ pip install https://github.com/srault95/fake-mail-client/archive/master.zip
# or with gevent
$ pip install https://github.com/srault95/fake-mail-client/archive/master.zip[gevent]
$ fake-mailer sendmail --help
$ docker run -it --rm srault95/fake-mail-client --help
$ docker run -it --rm --entrypoint smtp-source srault95/fake-mail-client -h
# With default values
>>> from fake_mail_client.mailer import SMTPClient
>>> from fake_mail_client.message import MessageFaker
>>> client = SMTPClient()
>>> msg = MessageFaker().create_message()
>>> result = client.send(msg)
>>> print(result)
# With custom values
>>> from fake_mail_client.mailer import SMTPClient
>>> from fake_mail_client.message import MessageFaker
>>> client = SMTPClient(host="", port=2500, source_address="")
>>> domains = ["example.org"]
>>> mynetworks = [""]
>>> msg = MessageFaker(is_out=True, domains=domains, mynetworks=mynetworks).create_message()
>>> result = client.send(msg)
>>> print(result)
- see sample file: fake-mail-tests.yml.sample
$ mv fake-mail-tests.yml.sample fake-mail-tests.yml
$ fake-mailer sendmail -C fake-mail-tests.yml
$ fake-mailer sendmail -H localhost -P 2500 -O json
"datas": [
"rcpt": [
"msg": "2.1.5 Recipient <[email protected]> Ok",
"code": 250,
"error": null,
"name": "rcpt",
"duration": 0.012861967086791992,
"value": "[email protected]"
"ehlo": {
"code": 250,
"error": null,
"name": "ehlo",
"duration": 0.011757135391235352,
"value": "mx.hanson.com"
"success": true,
"error": null,
"id": "ebf099d2cb890e51f5cdcf3d07d38884ce4e19764a5dadc8777a0e9daa5be4fc",
"duration": 0.10965204238891602,
"quit": {
"msg": "2.0.0 Bye",
"code": 221,
"error": null,
"name": "quit",
"duration": 0.014549016952514648,
"value": null
"mail": {
"msg": "2.1.0 Sender <[email protected]> Ok",
"code": 250,
"error": null,
"name": "mail",
"duration": 0.013148069381713867,
"value": "[email protected]"
"data": {
"msg": "2.6.0 Message accepted for delivery",
"code": 250,
"error": null,
"name": "data",
"duration": 0.030694007873535156,
"value": "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"utf-8\"\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: base64\nX-Mailer: MessageFaker\nX-FAKE-MAIL-ID: ebf099d2cb890e51f5cdcf3d07d38884ce4e19764a5dadc8777a0e9daa5be4fc\nMessage-ID: <147516098923.10936.10419544728895125460@DESKTOP-0ATQ5E6>\nFrom: <>\nTo: \"Rose Taylor\" <[email protected]>\nDate: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 14:56:29 UTC\nSubject: [UNCHECKED] Nemo nulla natus dicta dignissimos. Ducimus harum mollitia architecto eligendi labore aperiam sequi. Minima in consectetur hic consequuntur fuga voluptatibus. Explicabo ad dolore debitis earum amet dignissimos ad.\n\nU2FwaWVudGUgc2ltaWxpcXVlIHNpdCBhcmNoaXRlY3RvIHBlcmZlcmVuZGlzLiBDb25zZXF1dW50\ndXIgYmVhdGFlIG1pbmltYSBkdWNpbXVzIGFzc3VtZW5kYSBuZXF1ZSBhZGlwaXNjaS4gUmVpY2ll\nbmRpcyBwb3JybyBjb21tb2RpIHJhdGlvbmUgaWxsbyBpc3RlIGRvbG9yZSBvZGl0Lg==\n"
"connect": {
"msg": "ESMTP server",
"code": 220,
"error": null,
"name": "connect",
"duration": 0.026641845703125,
"value": {
"port": 2500,
"host": "localhost"
"metas": {
"date": "2016-09-29T14:56:29.502504+00:00"
$ fake-mailer sendmail -H localhost -P 2500 -B gevent --count 2 --concurrency 2 -O pprint
'metas': {
'date': '2016-09-29T14:52:13.412302+00:00'
'datas': [{'connect': {'code': 220,
'duration': 0.026053905487060547,
'error': None,
'msg': 'ESMTP server',
'name': 'connect',
'value': {'host': 'localhost', 'port': 2500}},
'data': {'code': 250,
'duration': 0.03162503242492676,
'error': None,
'msg': '2.6.0 Message accepted for delivery',
'name': 'data',
'value': 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"\n'
'MIME-Version: 1.0\n'
'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n'
'X-Mailer: MessageFaker\n'
'X-FAKE-MAIL-ID: 12250e218814b17e3f660badf547803b5514357a0699ad57d92387cb8ff3d499\n'
'Message-ID: <147516073311.6076.16938656496648635806@DESKTOP-0ATQ5E6>\n'
'From: "David Mason" <[email protected]>\n'
'To: "Amy Parker" <[email protected]>\n'
'Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 14:52:13 UTC\n'
'Subject: [UNCHECKED] Sint animi eligendi tenetur. Commodi rerum aliquid voluptate '
'quod corrupti tempore eaque. Iusto accusantium necessitatibus fugiat quasi '
'consequuntur culpa. Maxime animi consequatur eos.\n'
'duration': 0.11256074905395508,
'ehlo': {'code': 250,
'duration': 0.013978958129882812,
'error': None,
'msg': 'Hello mx.fox-gonzales.com\n'
'name': 'ehlo',
'value': 'mx.fox-gonzales.com'},
'error': None,
'id': '12250e218814b17e3f660badf547803b5514357a0699ad57d92387cb8ff3d499',
'mail': {'code': 250,
'duration': 0.01382303237915039,
'error': None,
'msg': '2.1.0 Sender <[email protected]> Ok',
'name': 'mail',
'value': '[email protected]'},
'quit': {'code': 221,
'duration': 0.014036893844604492,
'error': None,
'msg': '2.0.0 Bye',
'name': 'quit',
'value': None},
'rcpt': [{'code': 250,
'duration': 0.013042926788330078,
'error': None,
'msg': '2.1.5 Recipient <[email protected]> Ok',
'name': 'rcpt',
'value': '[email protected]'}],
'success': True},
{'connect': {'code': 220,
'duration': 0.02614879608154297,
'error': None,
'msg': 'ESMTP server',
'name': 'connect',
'value': {'host': 'localhost', 'port': 2500}},
'data': {'code': 250,
'duration': 0.034635066986083984,
'error': None,
'msg': '2.6.0 Message accepted for delivery',
'name': 'data',
'value': 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"\n'
'MIME-Version: 1.0\n'
'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n'
'X-Mailer: MessageFaker\n'
'X-FAKE-MAIL-ID: 65618590a752207cf4371132835f51992dc056ad25c80f74aa5e5765c301f16c\n'
'Message-ID: <147516073314.6076.460766315749624068@DESKTOP-0ATQ5E6>\n'
'From: <>\n'
'To: "Jason Hawkins" <[email protected]>\n'
'Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 14:52:13 UTC\n'
'X-Amavis-Alert: BANNED\n'
'Subject: Atque nemo adipisci repellendus aliquid aliquam numquam porro. Sint '
'molestiae incidunt incidunt odit rem in. Occaecati error deserunt distinctio eius '
'facilis provident. Facilis neque porro et officia neque rem quibusdam corporis. '
'Vitae nesciunt quis perferendis atque.\n'
'duration': 0.1162109375,
'ehlo': {'code': 250,
'duration': 0.01388406753540039,
'error': None,
'name': 'ehlo',
'value': 'mx.hull.org'},
'error': None,
'id': '65618590a752207cf4371132835f51992dc056ad25c80f74aa5e5765c301f16c',
'mail': {'code': 250,
'duration': 0.01448202133178711,
'error': None,
'msg': '2.1.0 Sender <[email protected]> Ok',
'name': 'mail',
'value': '[email protected]'},
'quit': {'code': 221,
'duration': 0.014039039611816406,
'error': None,
'msg': '2.0.0 Bye',
'name': 'quit',
'value': None},
'rcpt': [{'code': 250,
'duration': 0.01302194595336914,
'error': None,
'msg': '2.1.5 Recipient <[email protected]> Ok',
'name': 'rcpt',
'value': '[email protected]'}],
'success': True}],
smtp-source -s 1 -l 1024 -m 1 -c -f root@localhost -t postmaster@localhost -4
- Improve report formats
- Add attachment files
- Add eicar file for infected mail
- Add gtube file for spam mail
- Login
- Python 3.5 new async
- Fake SMTP Server (ESMTP, WEB, Rest API)