This playbook sets up the basic components needed for Ruby on Rails (RoR) deployment. To use the playbook :
- First edit the "hosts" inventory file to include the hostnames of the machines on which you want these deployed.
- Ensure that SSH keys are setup communication between the contrl machine and hosts you need this play book to run on.
- Edit the group_vars/ror file to change any of RoR variables defined for this playbook.
- Ansible 1.2 or newer
- Tested on Suse/Ubuntu/RHEL
- See: roles/apache/tasks/main.yml
- ansible-playbook -i hosts ror.yml
The playbook should give a summary of what is installed and if they are working. Additional information like this is provided :
- Install Location
- Log Location
- Port
- start/stop commands and information about the user they should be run as
- application account and password
- sudoers entry ( that needs to be done manually ??) Add below sudo entry in /etc/sudoers file admin-ror ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/tomcatd*, /usr/bin/lsof
- Application Installation path , config file and applogs