Laravel 5 flash notifications, originally developed after the Laracasts video tutorial : Elegant Flash Messaging which uses SweetAlert.
Run the following command to install the package through Composer.
composer require srmklive/flash-notifications
or in your composer.json file, add "srmklive/flash-notifications": ">=0.1"
then run
composer update
Once this operation is complete, simply add both the service provider and facade classes to your project's config/app.php
'FlashAlert' => 'Srmklive\FlashAlert\Facades\FlashAlert',
'FlashAlert' => Srmklive\FlashAlert\Facades\FlashAlert::class,
php artisan vendor:publish
Simply call on FlashAlert
to set your desired flash notification. There are a number of methods to assign different levels of priority (info, success, warning, and error).
FlashAlert::success('Success', 'This is a success message.');
FlashAlert::info('Info', 'This is an info message.');
FlashAlert::warning('Warning', 'This is a warning message.');
FlashAlert::error('Error', 'This is an error message.');
To render your flash notifications in your view, simply include the view partial in your master layout: