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Utilities to help manage an Odoo installation

The general state of this project is very much "Work in progess.". The functionality is tested to the extent the test suite states, which at the time of writing this covers almost all written code.

Dev notes:


The projects end-goal is provide as good base for Python scripting on Odoo modules and installations. Such as de-entangling dependencies or finding manifests with the wrong values.


odootools provides base functionality for the rest of the modules within this project.

The odootools modules is expected to consist of file/system related operations. Odoo, other programs such as Postgresql or non standard Python-modules (including odoo) are not expected to be installed.

The OdooToolsHandle contain references to an Odoo-installation, by default assumed to be the nightly deb-package. Functionality that reference an Odoo installation such as including core modules should be able to run in an Odoo-free environment using the appropriate arguments.

A possible and valid use case should be unzipping a set of odoo modules on a computer without Odoo installed and start querying the folder for information.


This modules provides functionality from the networkx modue.

Networkx is expected to be installed. Other than that the same assumptions as odootools apply. This might change in the future as it is useful to construct DiGraphs from individual Odoo databases.


Database related queries and operations. Assumes psycopg2 is installed and is able to connect to an Odoo database.


Click client. Assumes click is installed.

Scope is a work in progress. The general assumption is that it should be able to provide the same functionality as the bash-based odootools at some point.


The repository include functionality tests of the code. Please write tests when adding to this project.

Run the tests from the project root with for example:

python3 -m unittest discover .

To include code coverage install the coverage module and run:

python3 -m coverage run --source=. -m unittest discover .
python3 -m coverage report

Coverage include many options to define what files should be included in report. Please consult the coverage documentation for more info. A few examples below:

# Only track files in the odootools folder
python3 -m coverage run --source=odootools -m unittest discover .
# Omit files in the folder cli from the report:
python3 -m coverage run --source=. --omit=cli/* -m unittest discover .


Utilities to help manage an Odoo installation







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