Source code used for ACL BioNLP 2017 workshop paper:
Denis Newman-Griffis, Albert M Lai, Eric Fosler-Lussier. Insights into Analogy Completion from the Biomedical Domain
Download the dataset (requires a valid UMLS Terminology Services login).
: implementation of the analogy task (using TensorFlow v0.7)BMASS
: parser for BMASS data fileslib
: various dependencies
A demo virtual machine setup is also included in the demo
directory, using Vagrant. This will run the analogy experiment for the full
BMASS dataset on CBOW and skip-gram embeddings pre-trained on the 2016 PubMed baseline.
To run the demo:
cd demo
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
$ cd /vagrant/src
$ make demo
The embeddings trained for this paper can be downloaded from here.