A wrapper to common functionality to work with Neuron package (https://www.neuron.yale.edu/neuron/)
git clone
conda create --name neuron python=3.8
conda activate neuron
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install neuron==8.0.2 # in linux. maybe different in windows
For windows, may requrire to manually install neuron separately: https://www.neuron.yale.edu/neuron/download
Can updgrade for newer python & neuron version if needed (not validated against the code here)
- cd L5PC_Mouse_model_example
- nrnivmodl mods # Important: after conda activate neuron!
python main_example.py # or via IDE run the python code
- main_example.py / ipynb for a short overview of functionality
- Neuron's python tutorials: https://nrn.readthedocs.io/en/8.2.6/tutorials/index.html
- Python files:
- main_example.py & main_example.ipynb- show functionality in current repository
- utils/neuron_model.py - NeuronCell wraps neuron h loading (common functionality and replacement for some hoc code)
- utils/factory_neuron_model.py - wrap & refactor converters (swc, asc, NeuronCell)
- utils/neuron_viewer.py - plot cell (with extensions of markers, electrodes and scalebars)
- Neuron models:
- h01_Human_swc_example - contains downloaded examples from h01 data
- L5PC_Mouse_model_example - commonly used neuron model (Etay Hay, 2011).
- mods - folder with needed mechanisms (mod) files. Compile with: "nrnivmodl mods" (mods is the mechanisms' folder name). Will create output file within the folder you run the script from.
- morphologies - *.ASC or *.SWC ascii (textual) description files with morphology description. ASC - tree-like structure. SWC - table-like structure with columns for: (id, type, x, y , z, diam, parent-id). Can be viewed with the following tool: https://neuroinformatics.nl/HBP/morphology-viewer/
- hoc files - templates used when loading the model (can be a single generic template instead)
- generic_template.hoc - common/basic hoc file for swc/asc neuron loading
- hoc files can be re-written to use the python API (as in this repository) (NeuronCell complete additional functionality converted from hoc to python code)