An (open-cv based) infrastructure for tracking and features extraction of freely-moving zebrafish.
The original project is a collaboration of programmers, and tracking algorithms. Current repository only contains the code I've written, for infrastructure (& supporting scripts), pre-processing cv detection and further features calculation, without other programmers' algorithms (which is their property).
This code supports the following use cases:
- Semi-automatic segmentation of hunting events.
- Extraction of various features for describing both the fish and its environment.
- Parallel run.
- .mat files for matlab usage, with a class wrapping python API.
- presentation videos.
By now you should have ran the ~/ZebrafishBehaviorTracking/scripts/ fishname script and own the folders debug_movies, debug_paramecia_movies, processed_data
python feature_analysis/fish_environment/ <data_path> --fish_name <fish_folder_name> --override.
For each output (mat) file of pre-processed data, this main creates extended output (based on feature_analysis/fish_environment/ with additional features calculated.
The output is in 2 forms: "all_fish" is a folder containing the entire data, "inter_bout_intervals" (IBIs) is a subset of the data during beginning and end of each IBI.
After calculating features, this stage reduce the dataset to specific questions asked about the data, for example aggregate all events based on age and outcome, and extract statistical measures in specific FOV.
python feature_analysis/fish_environment/ <data_path> * --outcome_map_type hit_miss_abort --is_combine_age --heatmap_type=target_only.
(the other parameters are default)
Output is heatmaps mat file and metadata as a json text file.
python feature_analysis/fish_environment/ <data_path> * --outcome_map_type hit_miss_abort --is_combine_age --heatmap_type=target_only.
(the other parameters are default)
Output a mat file called <age_group>outcome<paramecia_density>nparamecia_heatmap_data_features_in_fov.mat (example: age_v2_hit_miss_abort_outcome_n30_nparamecia_target_only_heatmap_data_features_in_fov.mat)
This mat file contains struct, nested, s.t. the parameters appears in the path (fieldnames are age, outcomes...). Contains:
- FOV features per event - appears under . inner struct
- example: a_5_7.miss.d_0_3_mm.forward
- Per event features (general, not per FOV) - appears under event_data inner struct.
- example: a_5_7.miss.event_data
There is a code example in matlab that loop over the fields, if needed
In addition to pre-processing debug videos, you can create presentation videos using:
python scripts/python_scripts/ <data_path> <fish_folder_name>
Or its new extended version
python feature_analysis/fish_environment/ <data_path> <fish_folder_name>
- data_path is ...\Lab-Shared\Data\FeedingAssay2020\
- Can add the flag --event_number=1 to create specific-event movie.
The script uses function draw_output_on_annotated_frame of the trackers for annotation.
Read results: see
See 'scripts' folder for an updated files list.
Note: these scripts use predefined conda environment for dependencies (see install below).
Two commonly used scripts:
- <fish_name>
: run on all event files, as pipeline. The path and folder names are based on parameters file (written within the script 1st lines). This script can be run in parallel on several different fish. -
: show data-set status (available fish for analysis, meaning marked events). 1
: show data-set differences (for tracking errors).
squeue --me -o "%.18i %30j %.2t %.10M %.6D %R"
to see list of your running jobs. -
Use sacct, seff and sstat to monitor resources (see slurm documentation).
Use conda or pip by following commands:
- conda env create -f environment.yaml
- pip install -r requirements.txt