The AWS SDK for PHP enables PHP developers to easily work with Amazon Web Services and build scalable solutions with Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Glacier, and more. You can get started in minutes by installing the SDK through Composer or by downloading a single zip or phar file.
- Installation: Instructions, Packagist/Composer, PEAR, Zip Download, Phar Download
- Documentation: User Guide, API Docs, Contribution Guide, License
- Communication: Blog, Forum, Issues
- Provides easy-to-use HTTP clients for all supported AWS services, regions, and authentication protocols.
- Built for PHP 5.3.3+ and is compliant with PSR-0, PSR-1, and PSR-2.
- Easy to install through Composer, PEAR, or single download (zip or phar).
- Built on Guzzle and utilizes many of its features including persistent connections, parallel requests, events and plugins (via Symfony2 EventDispatcher), service descriptions, over-the-wire logging, caching, flexible batching, and request retrying with truncated exponential backoff.
- Convenience features including Iterators, Waiters, Enums, modelled responses, and service-specific exceptions.
- Multipart uploader for Amazon S3 and Amazon Glacier that can be paused and resumed.
- DynamoDB Session Handler for easily scaling sessions.
- Automatically uses IAM Instance Profile Credentials on configured Amazon EC2 instances.
- And more!
- Sign up for AWS – Before you begin, you need an AWS account. Please see the Signing Up for AWS section of the user guide for information about how to create an AWS account and retrieve your AWS credentials.
- Minimum requirements – To run the SDK you will need PHP 5.3.3+ compiled with the cURL extension and cURL 7.16.2+ compiled with OpenSSL and zlib. For more information about the requirements and optimum settings for the SDK, please see the Requirements section of the user guide.
- Install the SDK – Using Composer is the recommended way to install the AWS SDK for PHP. The SDK is available
via Packagist under the
package. Please see the Installation section of the user guide for more detailed information about installing the SDK through Composer and other means (e.g., Phar, Zip, PEAR). - Using the SDK – The best way to become familiar with how to use the SDK is to read the User Guide. The Quick Start Guide will help you become familiar with the basic concepts, and there are also specific guides for each of the supported services.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Aws\Common\Aws;
use Aws\S3\Enum\CannedAcl;
use Aws\S3\Exception\S3Exception;
// Instantiate an S3 client
$s3 = Aws::factory('/path/to/config.php')->get('s3');
// Upload a publicly accessible file. The file size, file type, and MD5 hash are automatically calculated by the SDK
try {
'Bucket' => 'my-bucket',
'Key' => 'my-object',
'Body' => fopen('/path/to/file', 'r'),
'ACL' => CannedAcl::PUBLIC_READ
} catch (S3Exception $e) {
echo "There was an error uploading the file.\n";