Docker compose setup to run MySQL Kafka and Maxwell (Change data capture)
This repo is based on this github.
It uses RabbitMQ but it didn't work as expected and did not fulfill my objective, so I decided to create my own using Kafka
- Run docker compose (there is a bug with kafka that you need to use force-recreate, or it will produce an error)
docker-compose up --build --force-recreate
wait for all images downloaded and make sure containers ran OK
- Connect to MySQL
host: localhost
user: root
pass: pass
db: test
port: 3306
Try to insert,update, delete data in "test" table. Maxwell will capture data changes and sent to Kafka (check from docker logs)
Example Insert Data
Example Maxwell Log
- Check Kafka using kafdrop. Open kafdrop url on your browser
You should see kafka topic "example-cdc-test". Topic name is dynamic based on the source table you changed the data from
Browse into the topic then you can see your change data from "test" table queued there
Kafdrop Homepage, click "example-cdc-test"
Messages content "id : 3, name: hello"
- If you have kafka consumer app, connect to kafka broker at localhost:19092 and topic name = ""
Done. That's it CDC using MySQL, Kafka and Maxwell
Please message me if you have any issue and feel free to fork as well