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Concurrent RDF Graph


A simple jvm library containing RDF graph implementations suitable for concurrent environment.

Contains several implementations, including

  • SynchronizedGraph - straightforward implementation which uses the standard synchronized java block
  • ExtendedSynchronizedGraph - advanced implementation which uses the standard java synchronized block
  • ReadWriteLockingGraph - it uses java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock

Each implementation is an instance of org.apache.jena.sparql.graph.GraphWrapper from Apache Jena. The project is equipped with concurrent tests, the local running of which may end with TimeoutException if the local machine is not fast enough. Also, there are benchmarks tests.

Available via jitpack


Run benchmarks

gradlew clean jmh


gradlew clean jmhJar
java -jar build/libs/concurrent-rdf-graph-kotlin-{version}-jmh.jar 

For allowed arguments, see help:

java -jar build/libs/concurrent-rdf-graph-kotlin-{version}-jmh.jar -help


java -jar build/libs/concurrent-rdf-graph-kotlin-{version}-jmh.jar -wi 3 -i 3 -p factory=RW_LOCKING_GRAPH_V2,SYNCHRONIZED_GRAPH


Apache License Version 2.0