This repository contains the generated protobuf/grpc-js definitions for the Bzl gRPC API as well as a more developer-friendly index.js entrypoint.
Canonical API definitions are at
npm install @stackb/bzl-sdk-node
Given a running process (e.g. bzl serve
), connect to the server and retrieve metadata:
const grpc = require('@grpc/grpc-js');
const v1beta1 = require('@stackb/bzl-sdk-node').v1beta;
const client = new v1beta1.ApplicationClient(
client.waitForReady(4000, () => printMetadata);
function printMetadata() {
const request = new v1beta1.GetApplicationMetadataRequest();
client.getApplicationMetadata(request, (err, metadata) => {
if (err) {
console.warn('could not get metadata', err);
} else {
console.log(`Connected to Bzl ${metadata.getVersion()}`);