- Install Chef On The Example Server:
- Begin by updating the Ubuntu packages:
``` bash
$ sudo apt-get update
Install Chef and its prerequisites:
$ sudo aptitude install -y ruby ruby1.8-dev build-essential wget libruby1.8 rubygems $ sudo gem update --no-rdoc --no-ri $ sudo gem install ohai chef --no-rdoc --no-ri
Create The Simplest Chef Configuration:
Start by having Chef do something simple. Create a /tmp/helloworld.txt file.
$ mkdir -p ~/chef/cookbooks/helloworld/recipes $ echo ' file "/tmp/helloworld.txt" do owner "vagrant" group "vagrant" mode 00544 action :create content "Hello, Implementor!" end' > ~/chef/cookbooks/helloworld/recipes/default.rb
Write a node.json to tell Chef to run the helloworld recipe.
$ echo ' { "run_list": [ "recipe[helloworld]" ] }' > ~/chef/node.json
Tell Chef where to find the files we just created, using a solo.rb file:
$ echo ' file_cache_path "/home/vagrant/chef" cookbook_path "/home/vagrant/chef/cookbooks" json_attribs "/home/vagrant/chef/node.json" ' > ~/chef/solo.rb
Now ready to run chef-solo.
$ sudo chef-solo -c ~/chef/solo.rb
We use the -c option to explicitly tell chef-solo where to read its configuration.
To verify:
$ cat /tmp/helloworld.txt
Add More Steps To The Recipe:
Create cron job recipe:
$ mkdir -p ~/chef/cookbooks/crondemo/recipes $ echo ' cron "log something" do action :create hour "*" minute "*" command "logger Hello!" end ' > ~/chef/cookbooks/crondemo/recipes/default.rb
Edit the run_list in node.json to add recipe[crondemo]:
"run_list": [ "recipe[helloworld]", "recipe[crondemo]" ]
Run Chef again:
$ sudo chef-solo -c ~/chef/solo.rb
- You can use Git to distribute the configuration and run on any server you wish to configure.