gem install unicorn
- First we will create a new user for deployment: $ ssh into your server $ sudo adduser deploy
( Accept the defaults.)
- user : deploy
- pass : welcome123
Add new user to staff and sudo groups: $ sudo usermod -a -G staff deploy $ sudo usermod -a -G sudo deploy
Switch user: $ su deploy $ cd ~
Update packages $ sudo apt-get -y update
Install curl to install rvm $ apt-get install curl
Install rvm: curl -L | bash -s stable
Then make it available in your current shell: source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
In order to work, RVM has some of its own dependancies that need to be installed. To automatically install them:
$ rvm requirements
Installing RVM $ rvm install 1.9.3 $ rvm use 1.9.3 --default
Update rubygems just in case: $ rvm rubygems current
gem install bundler
Finally, at some point, chances are that you�re going to install some gem requiring Nokogiri which requires additional packages, so let�s install those packages beforehand:
sudo apt-get install libxslt-dev libxml2-dev
- To work with mysql [mysql dependencies] $ sudo apt-get install libmysqld-dev libmysqlclient-dev mysql-client
Install Nginx $ sudo apt-get install nginx
Run Nginx $ sudo service nginx start
Configure nginx $ sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
sudo mkdir /home/deploy/apps/testapp1/current sudo chown deploy:deploy /home/deploy/apps/testapp1/current
** Test comments ** test build