m6809 toolchain
xroar package is in MSys2 32 and 64 bit and MINGW64, MINGW32, and UCRT64 types.
gcc6809lw and newlib6809lw only builds for MSys2 32 bit and gcc6809lw have run-time issues.
Most other packages build for both MSys2 32 and 64 bit.
Use 7-zip on the files with 7z extension.
cmoc_toolchain includes lwtools to reduce user errors
Install vasm package before vasm6809 package
Known issues:
MINGW32 xroar fails to work when GCC6 package is installed.
Command I use to copy roms to MSys2 location that works
mkdir -p ~/.xroar/roms/ && cp /${SYSTEMDRIVE:0:1}/Users/${USERNAME}/AppData/Local/XRoar/roms/*.rom ~/.xroar/roms/