THIS Library is now replaced by
A MIDI 2.0 Library for Embedded/Arduino Devices
I hope that this library is useful to everyone making MIDI 2.0 Devices. If you do use this library please let me know! I am keen to see all the MIDI 2.0 Projects. This code is also available for DIY and commercial use (MIT Licence)
THIS LIBRARY IS CURRENTLY UNDER DEVELOPMENT - The code is still being adjusted as it is being prototyped and changes do occur, however the WIKI attempts to reflect the latest code.
If you see code here that :
- could be styled/structured better
- could be written better
- could use less resources
- has memory leaks, bugs,
- is fundamentally flawed
- has spelling mistakes and grammatical errors
then please submit PR's and/or issues - but PR's preferred.
Please note that use of this library is at your own risk!
Please read the MIDI 2.0 specification on to understand the following.
This library can:
- Convert MIDI 1.0 Byte stream to UMP
- Process and send UMP Streams
- Process and Send MIDI-CI Messages
- Build UMP 32 bit Words to send out
This library is designed to use a small footprint. It does this by processing each UMP packet (or MIDI 1.0 Bystream) one at a time. This way large data is handled in small chunks to keep memory small.
This means it is upto the application to:
- Store Remote MIDI-CI Device details
- Upon receiving MIDI-CI Message to interpret the Messages data structure (e.g. Profile Id bytes, Note On Articulation etc.)
- Handle logic and NAK sending and receiving.
This means the overheads for a simple MIDI 2.0 device is down to a compiled size of around 10k (possibly less?), with a memory footprint of around 1k.
Can be found on the WIKI
- PE Handling of Mcoded7 (80%)
- SysEx8 and Mixed Data Set
- Universal SysEx handling (Other than Device ID and MIDI-CI)
Here is a quick Arduino example
#include "midi2.h"
void setup()
//Produce MIDI 2.0 Channel Voice Message (Message Type 0x4)
//Default (false) will return MIDI 1.0 Channel Voice Messages (Message Type 0x2)
BS2UMP.outputMIDI2 = true;
//Set the UMP group of the output UMP message. By default this is set to Group 1
//defaultGroup value is 0 based
BS2UMP.defaultGroup = 0; //Group 1
void loop()
uint8_t inByte = 0;
// if there is a serial MIDI byte:
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
// get incoming byte:
inByte =;
if(inByte == 0xFE) return; //Skip ActiveSense
uint32_t ump = BS2UMP.readUMP();
//ump contains a ump 32 bit value. UMP messages that have 64bit will produce 2 UMP words
UMP Streams accepts a series of 32 bit values. UMP messages that have 64bit will provide 2 UMP words.
#include "midi2.h"
midi2Processor MIDI2 (0,2);
void noteOff(uint8_t group, uint8_t channel, uint8_t noteNumber, unsigned int velocity, int attributeType, unsigned int attributeData){
//Process incoming MIDI note Off event.
void noteOn(uint8_t group, uint8_t channel, uint8_t noteNumber, unsigned int velocity, int attributeType, unsigned int attributeData){
void cc(uint8_t group, uint8_t channel, uint8_t index, uint32_t value){
void rpn(uint8_t group, uint8_t channel, uint8_t bank, uint8_t index, uint32_t value){
void setup()
void loop()
uint32_t ump = BS2UMP.readUMP();
MIDI-CI requires a lot of SysEx messages. This library abstracts the complexity of building and parsing most MIDI-CI Messages.
#include "midi2.h"
midi2Processor MIDI2 (0,2);
uint32_t m2procMUID;
uint8_t sysexId[3] = {0x00 , 0x02, 0x22};
uint8_t famId[2] = {0x7F, 0x00};
uint8_t modelId[2] = {0x7F, 0x00};
uint8_t ver[4];
void rawSysex(uint8_t group, uint8_t *sysex ,int length, uint8_t state){
//Generated SysEX Message from MIDI-CI or other Messages are sent to this function.
//Write SysEx Message to Serial output
//Start SysEx out
if (state < 2)Serial.write((char)SYSEX_START);
for(int i=0; i < length; i++){
Serial.write((char)(sysex[i] & 0x7F));
//End SysEx
if (state == 0 || state==3) Serial.write((char)SYSEX_STOP);
bool checkMUID(uint8_t group, uint32_t muid){
return (m2procMUID==muid);
void recvDiscovery(uint8_t group, struct MIDICI ciDetails, uint8_t* remotemanuId, uint8_t* remotefamId, uint8_t* remotemodelId, uint8_t *remoteverId, uint8_t remoteciSupport, uint16_t remotemaxSysex){
Serial.print("->Discovery: remoteMuid ");Serial.println(ciDetails.remoteMUID);
MIDI2.sendDiscoveryReply(group, m2procMUID, ciDetails.remoteMUID, sysexId, famId, modelId, ver, 0b11100, 512);
void setup()
m2procMUID = random(0xFFFFEFF);
MIDI2.sendDiscoveryRequest(0,1, sysexId, famId, modelId, ver,12, 512);
void loop()
uint32_t ump = BS2UMP.readUMP();