This repository contains reusable shell modules. They are designed to be included into other scripts.
The script follows the semantic versioning 2.0.0 specification.
- inputs
- semanic-versioning-string result-array-name
- returns
- A string that contains an array declaration with 3 elements (version, prerelease, build)
use eval on the string to get the array into your scope
status codes
0 for success
1 for parsing error
local _result _array _parts
_array="$(vn_Parse "${_input}" "_parts")"
eval "${_array}"
The compare function compares the version and if the prerelease exists then it gets compared to. The prelease field, by default, will be compared with case sensitivity.
- inputs
- semanic-versioning-string1 semanic-versioning-string2 [sensitive|insensitive]
- returns
status codes only
0 - versions strings are equal
1 - version string 1 is greater than version string 2
2 - version string 1 is less than version string 2
254 - semantic versioning string parsing error
255 - Argument count is incorrect
vn_Compare "$1" "$2"
case $? in
0) op='=';;
1) op='>';;
2) op='<';;
254) op='~';; # semantic versioning string parsing error
255) op='!';; # Argument count is incorrect
The test_shl_semver is the testing function where you can run and see examples.