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Synced nodal attribute API code and documentation with ergm's.
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krivit committed Oct 10, 2024
1 parent d93693f commit 23b7fe8
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Showing 2 changed files with 95 additions and 34 deletions.
97 changes: 70 additions & 27 deletions R/EgoStat.node.attr.R
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Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
#' @description These functions are meant to be used in `EgoStat` and other
#' implementations to provide the user with a way to extract nodal attributes
#' and select their levels in standardized and flexible ways. They are
#' intended to parallel [ergm::nodal_attributes-API] of `ergm` package.
#' intended to parallel [`ergm::nodal_attributes-API`].
#' @param object An argument specifying the nodal attribute to select
#' or which levels to include.
Expand All @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
#' \describe{
#' \item{`"character"`}{Accept any mode or class (since it can
#' beconverted to character).}
#' be converted to character).}
#' \item{`"numeric"`}{Accept real, integer, or logical.}
Expand All @@ -53,9 +53,16 @@
#' \item{`"nonnegative"`}{Accept a nonnegative number or logical.}
#' \item{`"positive"`}{Accept a strictly positive number or logical.}
#' \item{`"index"`}{Mentioned here for completeness, it does not make
#' sense for egocentric data (since networks are constructed) and so
#' is not supported.}
#' }
#' \describe{
#' Given that, the `multiple` argument controls how passing multiple
#' attributes or functions that result in vectors of appropriate
#' dimension are handled: \describe{
#' \item{`"paste"`}{Paste together with dot as the separator.}
Expand All @@ -76,19 +83,23 @@ NULL
#' `vartype="function,formula,character"` (using the
#' `ERGM_VATTR_SPEC` constant).
#' @return `ergm.ego_get_vattr` returns a vector of length equal to the number of nodes giving the
#' selected attribute function. It may also have an attribute
#' `"name"`, which controls the suggested name of the attribute
#' combination.
#' @return `ergm.ego_get_vattr` returns a vector of length equal to the
#' number of nodes giving the selected attribute function or, if
#' `multiple="matrix"`, a matrix whose number of row equals the
#' number of nodes. Either may also have an attribute `"name"`, which
#' controls the suggested name of the attribute combination.
#' @examples
#' data(florentine)
#' flomego <- as.egor(flomarriage)
#' ergm.ego_get_vattr("priorates", flomego)
#' ergm.ego_get_vattr(~priorates, flomego)
#' ergm.ego_get_vattr(~cbind(priorates, priorates^2), flomego, multiple="matrix")
#' ergm.ego_get_vattr(c("wealth","priorates"), flomego)
#' ergm.ego_get_vattr(c("wealth","priorates"), flomego, multiple="matrix")
#' ergm.ego_get_vattr(~priorates>30, flomego)
#' (a <- ergm.ego_get_vattr(~cut(priorates,c(-Inf,0,20,40,60,Inf),label=FALSE)-1, flomego))
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
ergm.ego_get_vattr <- function(object, df, accept="character", multiple=if(accept=="character") "paste" else "stop", ...){
multiple <- match.arg(multiple, ERGM_GET_VATTR_MULTIPLE_TYPES)
Expand All @@ -104,7 +115,7 @@ ergm.ego_get_vattr <- function(object, df, accept="character", multiple=if(accep
paste = apply(a, 1, paste, collapse="."),
matrix = a,
stop = ergm_Init_abort("This term does not accept multiple vertex attributes or matrix vertex attribute functions."))
stop = ergm_Init_stop("This term does not accept multiple vertex attributes or matrix vertex attribute functions."))
else c(a),
name = name)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,16 +152,21 @@ ergm.ego_get_vattr <- function(object, df, accept="character", multiple=if(accep
nonnegative = x>=0,
positive = x>0)

if(!OK) ergm_Init_abort("Attribute ", NVL3(xspec, paste0(sQuote(paste(deparse(.),collapse="\n")), " ")), "is not ", ACCNAME[[accept]], " vector as required.")
if(!OK) ergm_Init_stop("Attribute ", NVL3(xspec, paste0(sQuote(paste(deparse(.),collapse="\n")), " ")), "is not ", ACCNAME[[accept]], " vector as required.")
## NB: Unlike the network version, missing values are handled by EgoStats.
if(is.matrix(x) && !is.null(cn <- colnames(x))){
ergm_Init_warn("Attribute specification ", NVL3(xspec, paste0(sQuote(paste(deparse(.),collapse="\n")), " ")), "is a matrix with some column names set and others not; you may need to set them manually. See example(nodal_attributes) for more information.")
ergm_Init_warning("Attribute specification ", NVL3(xspec, paste0(sQuote(paste(deparse(.),collapse="\n")), " ")), "is a matrix with some column names set and others not; you may need to set them manually. See example(nodal_attributes) for more information.")
colnames(x) <- NULL

## Unlike the ergm version, AsIs input does not make sense, since the
## user does not normally have direct control over the
## pseudopopulation network.

#' @rdname nodal_attributes-API
#' @importFrom purrr "%>%" "map" "pmap_chr"
#' @export
Expand All @@ -160,7 +176,7 @@ ergm.ego_get_vattr.character <- function(object, df, accept="character", multipl

missing_attr <- setdiff(object, names(df))
ergm_Init_abort(paste.and(sQuote(missing_attr)), " is/are not valid nodal attribute(s).")
ergm_Init_stop(paste.and(sQuote(missing_attr)), " is/are not valid nodal attribute(s).")

object %>% map(~df[[.]]) %>% set_names(object) %>% .handle_multiple(multiple=multiple) %>%
Expand All @@ -181,14 +197,12 @@ ergm.ego_get_vattr.function <- function(object, df, accept="character", multiple
args[[aname]] <- get(aname)
args <- c(list(df), list(...), args)

a <-, args)
while(is(a,'formula')||is(a,'function')) a <- ergm.ego_get_vattr(a, df, accept=accept, multiple=multiple, ...)
a %>% .rightsize_vattr(df) %>% .handle_multiple(multiple=multiple) %>%
structure(., name=NVL(attr(.,"name"), strtrim(despace(paste(deparse(body(object)),collapse="\n")),80)))
}, silent=TRUE),
ergm_Init_abort(.)) %>%
}) %>% .check_acceptable(accept=accept)

Expand All @@ -205,14 +219,12 @@ ergm.ego_get_vattr.formula <- function(object, df, accept="character", multiple=
lst(`.`=df, .df=df, ...))

e <- ult(object)
a <- eval(e, envir=vlist, enclos=environment(object))
while(is(a,'formula')||is(a,'function')) a <- ergm.ego_get_vattr(a, df, accept=accept, multiple=multiple, ...)
a %>% .rightsize_vattr(df) %>% .handle_multiple(multiple=multiple) %>%
structure(., name=NVL(attr(.,"name"), if(length(object)>2) eval_lhs.formula(object) else despace(paste(deparse(e),collapse="\n"))))
}, silent=TRUE),
ergm_Init_abort(.)) %>%
.check_acceptable(accept=accept, xspec=object)
}) %>% .check_acceptable(accept=accept, xspec=object)

#' @rdname nodal_attributes-API
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -263,6 +275,12 @@ ergm.ego_attr_levels.NULL <- function(object, attr, egor, levels=sort(unique(att

#' @rdname nodal_attributes-API
#' @note `ergm.ego_attr_levels.matrix()` expects `levels=` to be a
#' [`list`] with each element having length 2 and containing the
#' values of the two categorical attributes being crossed. It also
#' assumes that they are in the same order as the user would like
#' them in the matrix.
#' @export
ergm.ego_attr_levels.matrix <- function(object, attr, egor, levels=sort(unique(attr)), ...){

Expand All @@ -284,16 +302,16 @@ ergm.ego_attr_levels.matrix <- function(object, attr, egor, levels=sort(unique(a

sel <- switch(mode(object),
logical = { # Binary matrix
if(any(dim(object)!=c(nol,nil))) ergm_Init_abort("Level combination selection binary matrix should have dimension ", nol, " by ", nil, " but has dimension ", nrow(object), " by ", ncol(object), ".") # Check dimension.
if(any(dim(object)!=c(nol,nil))) ergm_Init_stop("Level combination selection binary matrix should have dimension ", nol, " by ", nil, " but has dimension ", nrow(object), " by ", ncol(object), ".") # Check dimension.
if(identical(ol,il)) object <- object | t(object) # Symmetrize, if appropriate.
numeric = { # Two-column index matrix
if(ncol(object)!=2) ergm_Init_abort("Level combination selection two-column index matrix should have two columns but has ", ncol(object), ".")
if(ncol(object)!=2) ergm_Init_stop("Level combination selection two-column index matrix should have two columns but has ", ncol(object), ".")
if(identical(ol,il)) object <- rbind(object, object[,2:1,drop=FALSE]) # Symmetrize, if appropriate.
ergm_Init_abort("Level combination selection matrix must be either numeric or logical.")
ergm_Init_stop("Level combination selection matrix must be either numeric or logical.")

sel <- m[sel] %>% keep(`!=`,0L) %>% sort %>% unique
Expand All @@ -320,6 +338,33 @@ ergm.ego_attr_levels.formula <- function(object, attr, egor, levels=sort(unique(
ergm.ego_attr_levels(object, attr, egor, levels, ...)

## TODO: Export from `ergm` and remove from here:
rank_cut <- function(x, n, tie_action = c("warning", "error"), top = FALSE){
ordrank <- if(top) function(r) length(x) + 1 - r else identity
s1 <- ordrank(rank(x, ties.method="min")) <= n
s2 <- ordrank(rank(x, ties.method="max")) <= n

if(identical(s1, s2)) which(s1)
tie_action <- match.arg(tie_action)
msg <- paste0("Levels ", paste.and(sQuote(names(x)[s1!=s2])), " are tied.")
error = ergm_Init_stop(msg, " Specify explicitly."),
warning = {
ergm_Init_warning(msg, " Using the order given.")
which(ordrank(rank(x, ties.method="first")) <= n)

levels_cut <- function(x, n, lvls = sort(unique(x)), top = FALSE, ...){
f <- setNames(tabulate(match(x, lvls)), lvls)
sel <- rank_cut(f, n, top=top, ...)
if(missing(lvls)) lvls[sel] else sel

#' @describeIn nodal_attributes-API
#' A version of [ergm::COLLAPSE_SMALLEST()] that can handle both [`network`] and [`egodata`] objects.
Expand All @@ -331,13 +376,11 @@ COLLAPSE_SMALLEST <- function(object, n, into){
function(.x, ...){
vattr <- if( ergm_get_vattr(attr, .x, ...)
else if({
ergm_Init_warn(paste(sQuote("COLLAPSE_SMALLEST()"), " may behave unpredictably with egocentric data and is not recommended at this time."))
ergm_Init_warning(paste(sQuote("COLLAPSE_SMALLEST()"), " may behave unpredictably with egocentric data and is not recommended at this time."))
ergm.ego_get_vattr(attr, .x, ...)
}else stop("Unrecognised data type. This indicates a bug.")
lvls <- unique(vattr) <- match(vattr,lvls)
smallest <- which(order(tabulate(, decreasing=FALSE)<=n)
vattr[ %in% smallest] <- into
smallest <- levels_cut(vattr, n)
vattr[vattr %in% smallest] <- into
32 changes: 25 additions & 7 deletions man/nodal_attributes-API.Rd

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