- A Simple ES6 (EcmaScript2015) starter kit with the purpose to expedite initial boiler plate code.
- Includes two build flavours, both directly through npm or gulp
- with npm or gulp, you can extend your build system as need be. The start kit includes some initial task that you can make use of.
- Jonathan S. Otalora.LinkedIn:
- https://ca.linkedin.com/in/jotaloragithub:
- https://github.com/stephenotalora
gulp serve
- run one page WebApp @ localhost:8080.gulp test
- run tape and all unit testing.gulp trans
- Transpile from ECMAScript2015 (ES6) into ES5.gulp build
- please note build command requires code to be transpiled in order to run in the browser 'OR'.gulp
- to run all tasks - note you can modify the default task execution order within the array that is passed to the default gulp task.
- all pre-babel source-code goes here.src/tests/
- Unit testing frame work (ES6) tests go here. Starter kit./template/
- where the V in MVC can be found.src/.eslintrc
- ESLint configurationcoverage/
- Code coverage reports are output here.dist/
- generated ES5 source output goes here. This directory is under gitignore..gitignore
- a sensible .gitignore file to prevent from checking in generated source..npmignore
- preconfigured to publish only the generated source code.package.json
- NPM deps.
These scripts are the main way to interact with npm module. I will also write some gulp to simplify time permitting
- run babel to compile your ES6 source to ES5. Output goes to thedist/
- run ESLint on ES6 source and reports any style errors.
Jonathan S. Otalora © All rights reserved.