This project is a port of the Themesberg tailwind-dashboard-windster project to reactpy.
poetry install --no-root
python runserver --port 8000
uvicorn fast_app:app --port 8000
- Tailwind CSS
- Fix composite icons
- Create a modular forms solution
- Apex chart support
- Table pagination/search/sort
- GitHub Stars Button
- Dark/Light mode switch
- Update browser address bar on page/parameter change
- Work out how to access client-side storage
- Stop the crazy python stack dump when the a user leaves the site.
- CRUD operations on tables (inc multi-record delete)
- Figure out why my pytest tests need @pytest.mark.anyio but the ReactPy pytest tests don't
playwright install
pytest --headed
During development tailwindcss play is used. Tailwind play generates CSS rules on the fly. They are accumulated, as pages are visited, into a custom style tag. This process a fast and seamless.
You can, if neccecery, create a static CSS file containing all the accumulated rules. To do this you need to copy the content of the tailwind play style tag from a live browser session and dump it to file.
Chrome debug tools are used to dump the style tag to the file: