This project is designed to cater towards the growing demand of more ubiquitous open-source robotics software and hardware. The files below provide the materials and resources necessary to recreate this desktop serial robot manipulator with a parallel gripper.
Included are individual SolidWorks CAD part files and an overall CAD assembly to help for 3D printing and assembling.
- Download documents as .stl files to print on any 3D printer
- This robot uses 5 Dynamixel XL430-W250-T servo motors which can be found here
- Screws can be found through these links below:
This desk robot uses an Arduino MEGA, Dynamixel Motor Shield, SparkFun Serial Basic Communications Chip, and the Arduino IDE as the robot's control mechanisms. To make edits to the code and test out additional programs install Arduino IDE and download the DynamixelShield Arduino library here. These will allow you to program using Dynamixel software and upload code to the manipulator.
Included in this package is the move_all_motors.ino Arduino program which takes in input keys a, w, s, d, j, i, k, l to control the position of each individual Dynamixel servo. T