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Set up development environment

Python 3.10 is required, however, since it is no longer supported by 18.04, we need to build it from source.

  # [prerequisite]
  # Python 3.10 is not available under 18.04
  # Build Python 3.10 from source
  # create venv with python3.10
  rm -rf ~/venv/py_kin_py310
  python3.10 -m venv ~/venv/py_kin_py310
  source ~/venv/py_kin_py310/bin/activate

  # Install using PyPI:
  python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
  mkdir -p ~/tmpPythonInstall
  TMPDIR=~/tmpPythonInstall python -m pip install roboticstoolbox-python
  python -m pip install pyqt5 # Must install GUI backend for plotting
  python -m pip install ipdb
  python -m pip install rosbags
  python -m pip install pyyaml  # Must install to for saving .yaml file

How to use this codebase

0. Collect the data

The raw data of 3ds Touch hatpic device can be collected by following

0. What to expect

There are a few steps to compute the issued teleop commands based on raw user input data collected:

  1. is used to extract user input data, from rosbag to numpy data files for better accessability.
  2. is used to compute teleoperation command using the numpy user input data
  3. is used to generate a joint-space trajectory based on a resolved-rates algorithm, and to visualize the motion of a UR5 robot

1. Create a configuration file under /config

To start, one need to make a copy of the example config file config/traj1.cfg, and edit it to reflect:

  1. The user input rosbag file of interest:

    rosbag_file_name = 2023-06-29-13-18-02
  2. The enabling button of interest:

    enable_button = button2
  3. The scaling factor for teleoperation:

    scaling_factor = 1
  4. Set the rotations between viewer and hardware :

    haptic_R_viewer = [
    viewer_R_robotbase = [

    Note: If a rotation matrix is invalid, it will default to the identity matrix

  5. The reference frame convention (moving or fixed):

    command_reference_frame = moving_end_effector


    command_reference_frame = fixed_robot_base
  6. The UR5 robot home pose (joint angles in degrees):

    joint_states_home = [0, -60, 120, -150, -90, 0]

2. Run

Run the following in a terminal:

python traj1

Then, traj1_user_input_data.npz will be saved under data_saved

Explain: we extract rostopic messages from a .bag file containing topics published by these ROS drivers into a .npz file as NumPy Arrays. Sample bag files are provided in this repo. data_saved

3. Run

Run the following in a terminal:

python traj1

Then, all issued teleop commands will be printed in the terminal.

4. Run

Run the following in a terminal:

python traj1

Then, the script will generate a window where the robot motion is displayed. Wait for the window to close itself, for the animation file to be generated. The animation will be saved as UR5_traj1.gif

Another window will display the plots of the haptic input and robot end-effector trajectories in separately. Both trajectories are plotted in the Viewer base frame.

Then, traj1.yaml will be saved under data_saved, which can be used to load the generated joint state trajectory to a ROS Node as demonstrated here.

5. [Work In Progress]

This script is being worked on to evaluate jacobian-based performance metrics such as manipulabilit, etc.

To be updated soon...


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