migrate github project to gitlab project (issues, notes, milestones, and labels)
Get your API tokens from:
- https://[gitlab.localhost.domain]/profile/account
- https://github.com/settings/applications
license = http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
python gtoh.py --github_project 'group/project' --github_api_token '8468e474c8bc65a0?????' --gitlab_api 'https://gitlab.localhost/api/v3' --gitlab_project 'group/project' --gitlab_api_token '2fEJ9AadkwU????'
usage: ghtogl.py [-h] [--version] [--github_api GITHUB_API]
[--github_api_token GITHUB_API_TOKEN] --github_project
GITHUB_PROJECT --gitlab_api GITLAB_API --gitlab_api_token
Migrate issues, comments, labels, and milestones from github project
to a gitlab project
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
--github_api GITHUB_API
github api url: https://api.github.com
--github_api_token GITHUB_API_TOKEN
api token, https://github.com/settings/applications
--github_project GITHUB_PROJECT
github project path example: namespace/project
--gitlab_api GITLAB_API
gitlab api url example:
--gitlab_api_token GITLAB_API_TOKEN
get your api token at
--gitlab_project GITLAB_PROJECT
gitlab project path example: namespace/project
If project in Gitlab has no "owner' you might need to first fork the project under your own user before using the script.