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Sly Mlego: A Deep Learning Chess Platform


Sly Mlego has been developed to familiarize hands-on with machine learning concepts and libraries.

While deep learning has already proved in a lot of fields as the best way to accomplish “intelligent” tasks, still the best available chess engines are based on imperative approaches, with hand made heuristics developed and improved over a long time (note: this was true when I originally wrote it, while for few days seems that there is a new kid on the block, namely Alpha Zero, that seems to have surpassed the current best chess programs...).


Since premature optimization is the root of all evil in this initial phase the goal is to find what features and models can provide the best results, leaving optimized implementations to later phases. For this reason I have chosen Python and Keras as the current best options (even if I graduated in a math faculty and know very well C and assembler :))

In this moment the focus is to identify "value network" (features and models), so final output should be a “simple” real number identifying winning probability for white (-inf/+inf measured in centipawns as a standard chess engine). "Policy networks" to directly identify the best moves will be experimented later on (there is a vague idea to use GAN paradigm for them).

Actual training is supervised, based on expert chess engines position (states in standard operation research terminology) labelling - e.g. Stockfish, Gull, etc. - or also expert human input (e.g. labelled Strategic Test Suite) for policy network. Later on reinforcement learning can be a nice way to improve strenght.

Note that the chess engine used to label positions is exploring a full tree of them to calculate the position value, while this network is calculating the value just looking at the current position! Naturally, when inserted in an engine also this network will be used to explore a tree, but if it will work properly it will explore far much less positions to have the same strength results.


Everyone knowing chess rules and a bit of python should be able to easily add new input features and create or modify models, and if you are a Deep Learning expert hope you'll find this framework very comfortable to experiment with! And please, share experiments and results! :)


  1. Unix environment (tested with Ubuntu 16.04). With some adjustments (e.g. interpreter for .sh scripts, libraries, etc.) maybe it can work also on Windows, but is not tested nor recommended (it is not an usual platform for machine learning)

  2. Install all dependencies, as:

    • python-chess
    • pickledb
    • tensorflow
    • keras
    • numpy
    • matplotliB
    • stockfish
    • h5py
    • python3-tk
    • python-pydot / python-pydot-ng / graphviz
  3. Obtain/create more fen/epd positions for training (e.g. download the 5 million position giraffe set). In the files there is already for convenience one containing the strategic test suite positions


Create a new neural network:

  1. Edit the one present between the "@beginmodel" and "@endmodel" tags. The input are Const.NUMFEATURES matrices of 8x8, the output should be a single value in the range -1,1 indicating the evaluation of the position (the nearer to -1 the more the black is estimated to win, the more the value nearer to 1 the more the white should win, with 0 indicating parity)

Train the model:

  1. Get fen/epd positions for training (there are some to be unzipped in the EpdFiles directory)
  2. Prepare training input -> e.g. python file.epd 1 100000
  3. Put some of the position prepared from __inputstobeprocessed into __validationdata (e.g. 2000)
  4. Train model -> e.g. python (you can run tensorboard to check results)
  5. Play with the engine or graphically check evaluations against standard engine with python

Reset model / learning:

  1. Remove model files -> ./
  2. Put back all training files in inputfiletoprocess directory -> python

Add training samples (and train):

  1. Simply prepare input files from new epd(s) -> python newfile.epd
  2. Continue training model -> python

Backup the trained model:

  1. Move or copy all __model.* files in a new directory (there is for convenience)

Restore the trained model (and train more):

  1. Copy all the previously saved __model.* back to main directory Note: features should be the same of the model saved else input layer will not match

Add/modify features:

  1. Remove all training files from all directories -> ./
  2. Modify program and add/modify features
  3. To see features extracted use python (note that is adapting dimension order and coordinates for pretty printing)
  4. Prepare and train again

Evaluate a single chess position:

  1. Copy the trained model to be used (__model.hdf5) in the current directory
  2. Call to with the fen string of the position to be evaluated


The app seems "waiting" at the beginning or during epoch execution
-> Do you have samples in the inputs to be processed directory? If not you can either or run with optional epd input file as parameter

The app seems "waiting" at the end of the epoch
-> Do you have samples in the validation directory?

Features and Models

Current features implemented:

  • Pieces position 1-hot encoding: (6piecesx2colors)x8x8 with 1/0 values
  • Pieces mobility 1-hot encoding "added" for multiple pieces moveable on same square: (6piecesx2colors)x8x8 with n/0 values
  • Note: for now things like castling and en-passant are embedded in piece mobility and not considered separately
  • Direct square control ("added" if more pieces controlling): 8x8x2colors with n/0 values
  • King crown separated: 8x8 x2colors with 1/0 values

Example features still possible to implement to substitute or extend current ones:

  • Piece position "joined" (8x8x6pieces with 1/0/-1 values)
  • Direct square control "joined" (8x8x1 with +n/0/-n values)
  • King mobility / crown "joined" (8x8 with 1/0/-1 values) – castling embedded
  • Double move pieces mobility (6piecesx2colors)x8x8 = n/0
  • Double move square control (8x8x1 with +n/0/-n values)
  • "Protection" trees
  • Additional board features (e.g. realsidetomove + 40movescount + enpassantsquare + castlingflags)


Python file Description Common constant values used in other files Extract features vector "X" from a chess position Script to extract and save features from .fen/.epd files in order to be used in training model
Usage: fenOrEpdFile [startingPosition [numberOfPositionToProcess]] Model creation and training
Usage: [fenOrEpdFile [startingPosition]]
With no parameters uses the extracted features present in the "to be processed" directory (done with and move them in the "already processed" directory while using them. If epd file is specified the features are extracted just temporarily and deleted after being used.
* XBOARD compatible engines
Auxiliary shell script Description Clean all model files in order to start from scratch with a new model Clean all model files but also extracts data (to be used when features extraction changed) When training process in ongoing shows main advancements Launch tensorboard for training process analysis (and/or TF model exploration) Move the "already processed" files back in the "to be processed" directory (a script was required since command line is not able to manage very large number of files as it can happen to have) Move the files in the "to be processed" directory to the directory used to validate model Print a "confusion graph" showing actual evaluations of validation samples compared to the ones computed by engine (optional input different model file than the one under training) Print the extracted feature vectors of the already processed position given in input (pickle file)
Temporary files Description
__model.descr Features and model description (attributes, layers, activators, optimizator etc)
__model*.hdf5 Trained model snapshot. THE result of all the training effort! (to be load by keras load_model function)
__model.log Training log
__model.pickle Other model variables (e.g. inclusion/exclusion training ranges)
__model.png Picture of the model
__inputstobeprocessed Directory where X files for training are put by The files have a name as file.epd-linenum-positionnum.pickle
__inputsalreadyprocessed Directory where input files are put after being used in training (to be moved again in to be processed for new trainings)
__validationdata Input files to be used for validation of the model after each epoch


Thanks to:

  • Francois Hollet and Niklas Fellas for making simple abstraction libraries
  • Mihai Dobre and Massimo Natale for their initial counseling
  • Matthia Sabatelli for the nice discussions and precious suggestions


Sly Mlego is licensed under the Affero GPL v3 (or any later version at your option). Check out LICENSE file for the full text.