Erlang tarantool 1.6/1.7 connector.
- Pools asynchronus connections (OTP supervisor based)
- Auto reconnect
- Erlang maps <-> Lua tables support
add it to your rebar config
{deps, [
{taran, ".*", {git, "", {branch, "master"}}}
and add taran to file.
For tarantool 1.6 call function support delete {d, 'TARANTOOL_V17_CALL'} from taran/rebar.conf
{ok, Db} = taran:connect(_ConnName = test).
%% or
Args = #{host => "", %% Host (default "localhost")
port => 3301, %% Port (default 3301)
user => <<"none">>, %% User (default <<"none">>, use guest access)
pass => <<"none">> %% Pass (default <<"none">>, use guest access)
cnum => 3}, %% CNum Number of open sokets for connect (default 3)
taran:connect(_ConnName = test, Args).
%% or
taran:connect(_ConnName = test, #{port => 3311}).
%% Insert
taran:insert(Db, [1, <<"test_row">>]).
{ok, [1, <<"test_row">>]}
%% or
Args = #{space_id => 514}, %% SpaceId (default 0)
taran:insert(Db, [1, <<"test_row">>], Args).
{ok, [1, <<"test_row">>]}
%% Select
taran:select(Db, [1]).
{ok, [[1, <<"test_row">>]]}
%% or
Args = #{space_id => 0, %% SpaceId 0 by default
index_id => 0, %% IndexId 0 by default
limit => 16#FFFFFFFF, %% Very big number by default
offset => 0, %% No offset by default
iterator => 0}, %% EQ by default (see tarantool doc or taran.erl for more iterators)
taran:select(Db, [1], Args).
{ok, [[1, <<"test_row">>]]}
%% Update
Op = [<<"=">>, 1, <<"test_row2">>]
taran:update(Db, [1], [Op]).
{ok, []}
%% or
Args = #{space_id => 0, %% SpaceId 0 by default
index_id => 0}, %% IndexId 0 by default
taran:update(Db, [1], [Op], Args).
{ok, []}
%% Upsert
Tuple = {3, <<"test_row3">>},
Op = [<<"=">>, 1, <<"test_row3">>],
taran:upsert(Db, Tuple, [Op]).
{ok, []}
%% or
Args = #{space_id => 0, %% SpaceId 0 by default
index_id => 0}, %% IndexId 0 by default
taran:upsert(Db, Tuple, [Op], Args).
{ok, []}
%% Delete
Key = 1,
taran:delete(Db, [Key]).
{ok, []}
%% or
Args = #{space_id => 0, %% SpaceId 0 by default
index_id => 0}, %% IndexId 0 by default
taran:delete(Db, [Key], Args).
{ok, []}
%% Other cmds
taran:eval(Db, <<"return 'hello'">>).
taran:eval(Db, <<"return {['hello']={'hello'}}">>).
{ok,#{<<"hello">> => [<<"hello">>]}}
See taran.erl for more commands, options and defaults.