Copyright (c) 2015 Robin Leffmann
CCTMT is a JavaScript/WebSockets-based client-side thingy that shows real time tx and block events on various block chains. That is all.
Two things to keep in mind:
The order in which transactions and blocks are relayed on the network is not indicative of what blocks the transactions will be included in.
It's not possible to distinguish between principal and change outputs in a transaction; the intended amount in a transaction is in most cases much lower than the total output.
BTC: 1EDhbo9ejdKUxNW3GPBh1UmocC1ea1TvE5
LTC: LaDuRFwEt1V26pmJJH94auDvxqN3rRFqPj
DOGE: DJ7vQ1dNRfebb1umVHsHxoMcd2Zq5L6LKp
DRK: XvHfibq2f1xU6rYqAULVXHLPuRhBawzTZs
CCTMT is released under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license: