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simplify dbtree code
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stonebig committed Jun 9, 2014
1 parent 9a06d9e commit 7112636
Showing 1 changed file with 78 additions and 85 deletions.
163 changes: 78 additions & 85 deletions examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ def create_menu(self):
command=lambda: messagebox.showinfo(message="""
\nSqlite_py_manager : a graphic SQLite Client in 1 Python file
\nversion 2014-06-09b : 'The magic 8th PEP'
\nversion 2014-06-09c : 'Touch of Zen'

def create_toolbar(self):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,9 +134,9 @@ def new_db(self, filename=''):
self.database_file = filename
if os.path.isfile(filename):
if messagebox.askyesno(
message='Confirm Destruction of previous Datas ?',
icon='question', title='Destroying'):
message='Confirm Destruction of previous Datas ?',
icon='question', title='Destroying'):
self.conn = Baresql(self.database_file)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -223,24 +223,25 @@ def actualize_db(self):
# delete existing tree entries before re-creating them
for node in self.db_tree.get_children():
# create initial node
# create top node
id0 = self.db_tree.insert(
"", 0, "Database",
text=(self.database_file.replace("\\", "/")).split("/")[-1],
values=(self.database_file, ""))
# add master_table, Tables, Views, Trigger, Index
for category in ['master_table', 'table', 'view', 'trigger', 'index',
# add Database Objects, by Category
for categ in ['master_table', 'table', 'view', 'trigger', 'index',
self.add_thingsnew(id0, category)
# redo for attached databases
for att_db in self.add_thingsnew(id0, 'attached_databases'):
# create initial node for attached table
self.feed_dbtree(id0, categ)
# for attached databases
for att_db in self.feed_dbtree(id0, 'attached_databases'):
# create another top node
id0 = self.db_tree.insert(
"", 'end', att_db + "(Attached)",
text=att_db+" (attached database)", values=(att_db, ""))
# add attached db's master_table, Tables, Views, Trigger, and Index
# add attached Database Objects, by Category
for categ in ['master_table', 'table', 'view', 'trigger', 'index']:
self.add_thingsnew(id0, categ, att_db)
self.feed_dbtree(id0, categ, att_db)
# update time of last refresh
self.db_tree.heading('#0', text=('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -403,7 +404,7 @@ def get_tk_icons(self):
return {k: PhotoImage(data=v) for k, v in icons.items()}
return {k: PhotoImage(data=v) for k, v in icons.items()}

def createToolTip(self, widget, text):
"""create a tooptip box for a widget."""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -439,40 +440,44 @@ def close(event):
widget.bind("<Enter>", enter)
widget.bind("<Leave>", close)

def add_thingsnew(self, root_id, what, attached_db=""):
"""add a sub-tree to database tree pan"""
tables = get_things(self.conn, what, attached_db)
# level 1 : create the "what" node (as not empty)
def feed_dbtree(self, root_id, category, attached_db=""):
"""feed database treeview for category, return list of leaves names"""

def id(t): return ('"%s".' % t.replace('"', '""')) if t != "" else t
attached = id(attached_db)
# prepare re-formatting functions for fields and database names
def f(t): return ('"%s"' % t.replace('"', '""')) if t != "" else t

def db(t): return ('"%s".' % t.replace('"', '""')) if t != "" else t
attached = db(attached_db)

# get Category list of [unique_name, name, definition, sub_category]
tables = get_leaves(self.conn, category, attached_db)
if len(tables) > 0:
# level 1 : create the "category" node (as Category is not empty)
idt = self.db_tree.insert(
root_id, "end",
"%s%s" % (attached, what),
text="%s (%s)" % (what, len(tables)), values=("", ""))
# level 2 : print object creation, and '(Definition)' if Table/View
for tab in tables:
definition = tab[2]
root_id, "end", "%s%s (node)" % (attached, category),
text="%s (%s)" % (category, len(tables)), values=("", ""))
for t_id, t_name, definition, sub_cat in tables:
# level 2 : print object creation, and '(Definition)' if fields
sql3 = ""
if tab[3] != '':
if sub_cat != '':
# it's a table : prepare a Query with names of each column
colnames = [col[1] for col in tab[3]]
columns = [col[0] for col in tab[3]]
sub_c = get_leaves(self.conn, sub_cat, attached_db, t_name)
colnames = [col[1] for col in sub_c]
columns = [col[1] + ' ' + col[2] for col in sub_c]
sql3 = 'select "'+'" , "'.join(colnames)+'" from ' + (
'%s"%s"' % (attached, tab[1]))
'%s%s' % (attached, f(t_name)))
idc = self.db_tree.insert(
idt, "end", "%s%s" % (attached, tab[0]),
text=tab[1], tags=('run',), values=(definition, sql3))
idt, "end", "%s%s" % (attached, t_id),
text=t_name, tags=('run',), values=(definition, sql3))
if sql3 != "":
idc, "end", ("%s%s.%s" % (attached, tab[1], -1)),
idc, "end", ("%s%s.%s" % (attached, t_name, -1)),
text=['(Definition)'], tags=('run',),
values=(definition, ""))
# level 3 : Insert a line per column of the Table/View
for c in range(len(columns)):
for c in range(len(sub_c)):
idc, "end", ("%s%s.%s" % (attached, tab[1], c)),
idc, "end", "%s%s" % (sub_c[c][0], c),
text=columns[c], tags=('run_up',), values=('', ''))
return [i[1] for i in tables]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1046,57 +1051,45 @@ def export_csvqr(actions):
export_csv_dialog(query, "Export Query", actions)

def get_things(conn, what, attached_db="", tbl=""):
"""'what' objects : [objectCode, objectName, Definition, [Lvl - 1]]"""
# dico = what : what qry, result id, result text, result crea, 'what' below
# or what : other 'what' specification to use in thi dictionnary
dico = {
'index': 'trigger',
'trigger': (
"""SELECT '{0:s}' || name, name, coalesce(sql,'--auto') sql
FROM {0:s}sqlite_master WHERE type='{1:s}' ORDER BY name""",
'{0:s}', '{1:s}', '{2:s}', ''),
'master_table': (
"""SELECT '{0:s}sqlite_master', 'sqlite_master', '--auto'
SELECT '{0:s}'||name, name, sql FROM {0:s}sqlite_master
WHERE type='table' AND name LIKE 'sqlite_%'
ORDER BY name""",
'{0:s}', '{1:s}', '{2:s}', 'fields'),
'table': 'view',
'view': ("""SELECT '{0:s}' || name, name, sql FROM {0:s}sqlite_master
WHERE type='{1:s}' AND NOT
(type='table' AND name LIKE 'sqlite_%') ORDER BY name""",
'{0:s}', '{1:s}', '{2:s}', 'fields'),
'fields': ("PRAGMA {0:s}TABLE_INFO([{2:s}])",
'{1:s} {2:s}', '{1:s}', '', ''),
'attached_databases': ("PRAGMA database_list", '{1:s}', '{1:s}',
"ATTACH DATABASE '{2:s}' as '{1:s}'", ''),
'pydef': ("#N/A", '{0:s}', '{0:s}', '{1:s}', '')}

def id(t): return ('"%s".' % t.replace('"', '""')) if t != "" else t

attached = id(attached_db)
order = dico[what]
if isinstance(order, type('e')): # indirection
order = dico[order]
Tables = []
if what == "pydef": # pydef request is not sql
resu = [[k, v['pydef']] for k, v in conn.conn_def.items()]
def get_leaves(conn, category, attached_db="", tbl=""):
"""returns a list of 'category' objects in attached_db
[objectCode, objectLabel, Definition, 'sub-level']
# create formatting shortcuts
def f(t): return ('"%s"' % t.replace('"', '""')) if t != "" else t

def d(t): return ('%s.' % t) if t != "" else t

# Initialize datas
Tables, db, tb = [], d(attached_db), f(tbl)

if category == "pydef": # pydef request is not sql, answer is direct
Tables = [[k, k, v['pydef'], ''] for k, v in conn.conn_def.items()]
elif category == 'attached_databases':
# get all attached database, but not the first one ('main')
resu = list((conn.execute("PRAGMA database_list").fetchall()))[1:]
for c in resu:
instruct = "ATTACH DATABASE %s as %s" % (f(c[2]), f(c[1]))
Tables.append([c[1], c[1], instruct, ''])
elif category == 'fields':
resu = conn.execute("PRAGMA %sTABLE_INFO(%s)" % (db, tb)).fetchall()
Tables = [[db + tb + "." + f(c[1]), c[1], c[2], ''] for c in resu]
elif category in ('index', 'trigger', 'master_table', 'table', 'view'):
# others are 1 sql request that generates directly Tables
if category in ('index', 'trigger'):
sql = """SELECT '{0}' || name, name, coalesce(sql,'--auto') , ''
FROM {0}sqlite_master WHERE type='{1}' ORDER BY name"""
elif category == 'master_table':
sql = """SELECT '{0}sqlite_master', 'sqlite_master', '--auto'
, 'fields' UNION SELECT '{0}'||name, name, sql, 'fields'
FROM {0}sqlite_master
WHERE type='table' AND name LIKE 'sqlite_%' ORDER BY name"""
elif category in ('table', 'view'):
sql = """SELECT '{0}' || name, name, sql , 'fields'
FROM {0}sqlite_master WHERE type = '{1}' AND NOT
(type='table' AND name LIKE 'sqlite_%') ORDER BY name"""
Tables = list(conn.execute(sql.format(db, category, tbl)).fetchall())

# others are sql request
resu = conn.execute(order[0].format(attached, what, tbl)).fetchall()
# result must be transformed in a list, and attached db 'main' removed
resu = list(resu) if what != 'attached_databases' else list(resu)[1:]
# generate tree list for this 'what' category level :
# [objectCode, objectName, Definition, [Level below] or '']
for rec in resu:
result = [order[i].format(*rec) for i in range(1, 5)]
if result[3] != '':
resu2 = get_things(conn, result[3], attached_db, result[1])
result[3] = resu2
return Tables

Expand Down

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