Available as a gem at RubyGems.org
This is a general purpose sitemap submission tool for BrowserCMS. It will automatically submit your site's sitemap to the search engines of your preference. Once setup properly, it will submit the following url to your search engine: http://..yoursite../sitemaps.xml. This document contains information about when your models were changed last time and urls for fetching your models sitemaps, e.g. the search engine will be instructed to fetch http://..yoursite../sitemaps/pages.xml for your pages model.
Search engines wants sitemaps submitted no more often than once an hour. You will need to setup a cron or a backgroundrb job to submit your sitemaps.
If you deploy remotely with capistrano you will want to change your deployment routines so that signatory (verification) files are re-created after deployment.
Limitations: Search engines do not accept more than 50,000 page references in a sitemap file. If you expect to have more than 50,000 active records in your models, then, you will need to implement paging in the module.
Install the gem
sudo gem install bcms_sitemap
Add it to your project
Edit the config/environment.rb file and add the following after config.gem 'browsercms':
config.gem 'bcms_sitemap'
Install the new module
From the root directory of your app, run the following:
$ script/generate browser_cms
This will add the necessary files to you application. In particular, you may want to change the settings in the file config/initializers/bcms_sitemap.rb. (See also customization below)
Edit routes.rb file - add the following before map.routes_for_browser_cms:
Run the migrations
$ rake db:migrate
Register sitemap in robots.txt (optional)
Add the following line to your robots.txt
Sitemap: http://...yoursite.../sitemaps.xml
Additional setup
In order for your sitemap to be submitted
- you will need to register your the search engine you would like to submit to
- You will need to setup a job that submits your sitemap.
See next section - configuration.
To submit sitemap to search engines, you will need to enable the search engines in the search engines administrative pages. Some search engines requires that you authenticate with the site. Where authentication is required, such as for Google, Yahoo, and Bing, you will have to register some kind of verification, normally specified, using a verification file.
The search engine section in the admin pages will allow you to enter the required name and content for the verification files, and automatically create these upon saving the record for the individual search engines.
For more information see the individual sites:
Google, Yahoo and yahoo submissions, Live/Bing
Ask and Moreover does not require authentication. (Moreover is not really a search engine, but provides news many to companies)
See also http://www.hariesdesign.com/tips-and-trick/6-seo/46-submit-a-sitemap-to-top-5-search-engine
Yahoo must be manually submitted the first time.
You can use either cron or backgroundrb to submit your sitemap. My preference is cron. On a Ubuntu server you would do the following:
sudo vi /etc/cron.hourly/submit_sitemaps
Add the following:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'fileutils'
LUSER="...the user running the app..."
RAKE_OPTS='-q -s'
Dir.chdir "#{APP_ROOT}/current"
`su #{LUSER} -c "RAILS_ENV=#{RAILS_ENV} rake #{RAKE_OPTS} sitemap:submit"`
Make it executable:
sudo chmod 755 /etc/cron.hourly/submit_sitemaps
The sitemap submission facility has been setup with pages and article_news. If you have more models that you want to add or remove, you need to change the bcms_sitemap.rb file in your config/initializers directory:
State what models to publish as a hash.
The keys are plural name of the model.
The values should be the scope to be used, formed as string
Cms::SitemapSubmitter.publish_models = {:pages => 'published.not_hidden' :news_articles => 'released'}
The bcms_sitemap module will backport your model to access the scopes you define. It will also automatically respond to a defined route for your model, e.g. if you add 'feeds', it will publish the feeds sitemap at http://...yoursite.../sitemaps/feeds.xml
By default the view is generated with the view app/views/sitemaps/models.builder (located with the gem). If you want differenciated priorities or change modification frequencies, you can create your own builder. If so, you will have to give it a corresponding name, e.g. for feeds you would name the view feeds.builder. Below is the source code for the model.builder.
xml.instruct! :xml, :version => "1.0", :encoding => "UTF-8"
xml.urlset :xmlns => "http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9" do
@objects.each do |object|
xml.url do
xml.loc xml_url(object)
xml.lastmod xml_lastmod(object)
xml.changefreq 'weekly'
xml.priority '0.5'
The controller instanciates a variable with the model name pluralized, if you would prefere to use that, i.e. if the builder you are creating is for feeds, you may use @feeds instead of @objects.
There are three rake tasks:
- sitemap:submit which submits the sitemaps
- sitemap:status which lists the status of submitted sitemaps to the search engines
- sitemap:verify_signatories which re-creates signatory (verification) files after deployment, if necessary.
If you deploy using capistrano, you may want to add the sitemap:verify_signatories task deployment.rb
namespace :sitemap do
task :verify_signatories, :roles => :app do
rake = fetch(:rake, "rake")
rails_env = fetch(:rails_env, "production")
run "cd \#{current_path}; \#{rake} RAILS_ENV=\#{rails_env} sitemap:verify_signatories"
after "deploy:finalize_update", "sitemap:verify_signatories"
Currently the module is placing a template for rendering the search engines in the administration interface, due to inflexible module facilities in BrowserCMS. (Should be on the backlog for the browser cms team). Meanwhile, that view has to be stored locally.
I have had some issues with submitting updates to yahoo. This is currently under investigation.