My name is str0nix, here are some things about me:
- 🔭 I’m currently working on NorthEmpire Network's Minecraft: Bedrock servers
- 🌱 I’m currently learning HTML & CSS, Javascript, PHP and PocketMine-MP API
- ⚡ I'm actually a hobby developer and I work in my free time
I have few PocketMine-MP plugins which are posted to Poggit, you are able to download them from here.
These listed plugins are created by me and available for the public. You are able to use them on your own Minecraft: Bedrock server. You are able to download these plugins from it's GitHub repos.
- FallOutClearInventory (v1.1.0) - A PocketMine-MP plugin which clears your inventory and instantly drop back you to the server’s spawn if you fell out from the world.
- SelfDamageBlocker (v1.0.0) - This plugin prevent players from damaging themselves. Recommended to use this plugin on PvP servers.
These plugins are posted to Poggit and you are able to download them officially from Poggit.
- FallOutClearInventory - Click on the link to get more information about the PocketMine-MP plugin.