Control Sonos playlists.
This utility controls Sonos playlists including backup and restore.
Here are the options:
usage: [-h] [-l] [-S] [-x PLAYLIST] [-X] [-f] [-i FILE] [-s SPEAKER]
[-P] [-p] [-q PLAYLIST] [-m PLAYMODE] [-v VOLUME] [-t]
Utility for Sonos playlists including backup and restore. The backup file is
XSPF format and is stored in the current directory. For import, the name of
the playlist is stored in the XSPF file, it is not the name of the file.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l, --listPlaylist List the playlists.
-V, --verbose Verbose error messages.
-S, --listSpeakerInfo
List information about the speakers.
-x PLAYLIST, --exportPlaylist PLAYLIST
Export the playlist.
-X, --exportAllPlaylists
Export all playlists.
-d DETAILS, --exportDetails DETAILS
List specifying what information is in the export
file. Possible values are ACLT. A = album, C =
creator, L = location, T = title. Default is ACLT.
-f, --force Force overwrite of export files.
-i FILE, --importPlaylistFile FILE
Import the playlist file.
-s SPEAKER, --speaker SPEAKER
Speaker name or IP address.
-P, --partyModeOn Use all speakers. Must be used with -s to designate
the group coordinator.
-p, --partyModeOff Stop party mode.
-q PLAYLIST, --replaceQueue PLAYLIST
Replace queue with playlist. Speakers must be in party
mode or option -s is required.
Play mode: SRF, S = shuffle on, R = repeat on, F =
cross fade on. Lower case is off. Default is SRf when
using -q option.
-v VOLUME, --volume VOLUME
Volume (0-100). +/- to increase/decrease.
-t, --togglePausePlay
Toggle pause/play.
Interface address for discover (generally not needed).
Playlists with streaming tracks do not import metadata correctly.
This utility uses the SoCo module version 0.17 ( to control the Sonos speakers. SoCo is available via pip, see the web page for details. Spl runs on Python 2.7 and 3.