Is a plugin for wireshark, which helps to analyse binaries arrays or blob by dissectors
plugin functions:
- convert bin files into pcap file
- provides lua dissectors templates
- creates lua dissectors snippets depends of pseudo-c-struct-definition
- Copy b2ws-plugin folder to a wireshark plugin folder
Create example a binary file with:
mkdir example_build
cd example_build
cmake ../example
ls *.bin
- Open Wireshark
- Open ImportBlob windows by click on "Tools-> bw2s -> ImportBlob"
- Click on "Change Settings", enter the path of the binary file.
- you could also change the fake src, dst and type field.
- Click on "ImportBlob". Now the create a pcap file (in the same folder as the binary file) and open this file
- Open Wireshark
- Open ImportBlob windows by click on "Tools-> bw2s -> ImportBlob"
- Click on "Create Dissector"
- Enter a name for the dissector and press ok. Now the plugin create a "default" lua dissector file in the b2ws-plugin folder. This file can und should be edit by you, e.g. add/change ProtoField or add protocol layes (see wiki.wireshark LuaAPI/).