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Genesis Sample 2.8.0

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@nickcernis nickcernis released this 15 Jan 15:14
· 298 commits to master since this release

Requires Genesis 2.8.0.

  • New: Block-based homepage layout.
  • New: Auto homepage setup upon theme activation using the new onboarding feature from Genesis 2.8.0. (See config/onboarding.php.)
  • New: “Blocks” page template for use with the block editor. The template removes the title and breadcrumbs, and forces a full-width layout.
  • New: Load configuration with the new genesis_get_config() function from Genesis 2.8.0. (See functions.php and the config/ folder.)
  • New: Add has-no-blocks body class if singular post/page contains no blocks.
  • New: Add first-block-[block-name] body class. Helps remove top padding when blocks such as the Cover block are first on the page.
  • New: Add first-block-align-[alignment] body class. Helps adjust styles if the first block is full-width.
  • Update: Styling adjustments for buttons, content width, and column blocks.
  • Update: Prevent 'admin' user being created during manual XML demo content import.
  • Update: Remove editor font sizes shortname from Gutenberg font sizes config. (The shortname is no longer used in WordPress.)
  • Tools: Improve npm run zip command to create archives that unzip to a 'genesis-sample' folder on Windows.