HTML5 supports for scripts
and styles
available in WordPress 5.3.
Support for genesis-lazy-load-images
available in Genesis 3.2.
WordPress 5.3 alignment classes.
Set post meta on theme activation.
Spacing between WooCommerce products.
Block width CSS for nested blocks.
Separator and hr styles to allow for block color options.
CSS for image, gallery, and gallery item figcaptions.
Add styles for new blocks-gallery-grid
gallery class.
CSS for tables for better consistency between editor and front end and to allow for new WordPress 5.3 settings.
Allow footer widgets to be displayed on the landing page template.
Set imported landing page meta to hide footer widgets. Requires Genesis 3.2 or higher.
Update homepage content import to use Atomic Blocks Adanced Columns block.
Update the phpcs config to exclude a PHP short array rule intended only for WordPress core.
Ensure that the flexbox styles equally apply to the WooCommerce shop page and a page using the [products] shortcode.
Ensure that general list styles do not apply to WooCommerce product blocks.
Squared button styles in favor of new button block border-radius setting.
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