Deploy CUPS StatefulSets on Openshift.
Note: this is to test running the image.
helm upgrade -i cups helm/cups -n cups --create-namespace \
--set-file=config.cupsd=examples/cupsd.conf \
expose with route (for testing)...
export INGRESS_DOMAIN=$(oc get cluster -o jsonpath={.spec.domain})
helm upgrade -i cups helm/cups -n cups --create-namespace \
-f helm/cups/values-expose.yaml \
--set ingress.hosts[0].host=cups-cups.${INGRESS_DOMAIN} \
--set-file=config.cupsd=examples/cupsd.conf \
oc port-forward $(oc get pods -n cups -o name) -n cups 6631:6631
export IMG_REGISTRY= #
podman build -t ${IMG_REGISTRY}:latest .
# run locally...
podman run -it --rm --entrypoint "/bin/bash" ${IMG_REGISTRY}:latest
podman push ${IMG_REGISTRY}:latest
test published image...
helm upgrade -i cups helm/cups -n cups --create-namespace \
--set image.repository=${IMG_REGISTRY} \
--set-file=config.cupsd=examples/cupsd.conf \
A typical CUPS install provides printer drivers dynamically by using a driver information file (.drv) and creating a PPD driver file that can be used by CUPS printers. By default, when a printer is configured in CUPS, the PPD driver is saved to the /etc/cups/ppd/ directory, and the printer definition is added to the /etc/cups/printers.conf file. The printers.conf file can hold information for more than one printer and required PPD files can be added to the /etc/cups/ppd/ directory.
If the printer configurations (/etc/cups/printers.conf) and drivers (/etc/cups/ppd/) that are required are known these can be included in builds.
To test printing from the command line, you can use the lp command which is provided from the cups-client.rpm To send a test print job from the command line of a client:
echo "Test Message Content" | lp -d printer_name
lp -d printer_name /path/to/file
Cups provides test files in the /usr/share/cups/data/ directory. You can add a different job name by using the -t (title) option with a messages:
lp -d printer_name -t "Print Job XYZ" /usr/share/cups/data/default-testpage.pdf
Finally, from the CUPS UI, select a printer and then in the Maintenance drop down list select "Print Test Page"