Full CRUD REST API using Node.js with no framework
This is a full REST API from scratch using simple vanilla node.js to demonstrate the fundamental principles of a REST API:
I have deployed a live server running the REST API: at Port 81
You can easily query the routes provided below using POSTMAN.
# Routes
- create json file with products to imitate a database where we can request and send data
- initialize a package.json
npm init -y
- to monitor the server.js
npm i -D nodemon
- to create Id's automaticaly we need a tool uuid
npm i uuid
- create starting scripts
"start": "node server.js", "dev": "nodemon server.js"
- create server.js as an entry-point with
- http-module (comes with node.js) as method to start the http-server
const http = require('http')
- import products to GET the data from the server
const products = require('./data/products')
- http-module (comes with node.js) as method to start the http-server
- create json file with products to imitate a database where we can request and send data
- to create different routes use models and controllers = mvc-method (model-view-controller|view like react won't be needed as it's an pure api to test)
- to interact with the model (get,put,delete data etc.)
- to handle the data
- to interact with the model (get,put,delete data etc.)
- to create different routes use models and controllers = mvc-method (model-view-controller|view like react won't be needed as it's an pure api to test)
- connect server.js to the mvc:
const { getProducts, getProduct, createProduct } = require('./controllers/productController')
- connect utils.js to productModel to write data to file
const fs = require('fs')
- connect server.js to the mvc:
- create the routes in the productController:
- GET allProducts = getProducts()
- GET a single Product = getProduct()
- POST data to the json = createProduct()
- PUT update data by id = updateProduct()
- DELETE deletes data by id = deleteProduct()
- create the routes in the productController:
Check all routes and functions with postman
- Pics of all request are in the POSTMAN Folder