Team10 - Library Master
Challenge: Scanning for Lifeforms
Keyword: IoT
, Few-shot Learning
, Model Compression
, NeuroPilot
, Biodiversity exploration
Many previous research works have shown the effeciency of Few-shot learning when lacking of labeled data.
In our challenge, biodiversity exploration for rare species
, we are facing the dilemma which is similar to Few-shot learning situation.
Therefore Few-shot Learning strategy may classify more precise among common species and rare one than naïve classification methods.
- To evaluate this speculate, we have done several experiments to show the advantages of Few-shot learning.
- In order to improve the performance when implementing on edge devices, we also show the model compression work we have done.
- Dockerfile
FROM pytorch/pytorch:1.6.0-cuda10.1-cudnn7-runtime
RUN pip install scipy numpy tensorboardX pandas scikit-learn Pillow h5py
- The figure(day view) on the left shows the superior of model trained on Few-shot learning, the right one(night) shows the further impact compare to naïve classification model
- The table shows that our model compression work significantly improve model inference time and power consumption by model quantization